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Construction Comunications HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_FC330C27_EE57_D396_41D2_49EBF1D50F21.text = Click here to access \ Operational \ Impacts HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_D30B1508_C36D_34B3_41E7_C80A067AF305.text = Click here to access \ Project \ Status \ Report HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_D00E8F4E_C397_D4B7_41DF_FDBCB343B495.text = Click here to access \ Road Stop Report HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_DEDB290A_C776_18FD_41A1_912C7E0F0C19.text = July 1st QuadHotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_39BDE7DB_BC75_3C5D_41D4_999AC88907C6.text = July 22,2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_D7A9E506_C73A_28F1_41E0_EF1C1408A17D.text = June 10-June 16 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_D3CF8B9F_C75A_7F11_41E6_29AD999A88E1.text = June 11-June 16 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_DBB74F6A_C9F3_7F1D_41D8_31DB21A91859.text = June 25-June 26 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_1D3CF01E_31E7_C2E4_41BC_D083B2E27E49.text = June 3-June 11 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_D2518DB6_C74E_1B12_41D6_D4241CFB1CA6.text = June 7-June 21 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_FAEF6066_EE73_3388_41EC_79678E2CEF7D.text = Landside Exploration Model HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_D0F424BC_C372_D5D5_41C4_E7D2CC6DB145.text = Operational \ impacts scenario \ Platform HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_FDBE9F7D_EE73_4C7D_41D1_FF2D7DF25943.text = Passanger Impacts Model HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_FD9D2869_EE71_3385_41DE_0E3330823EEB.text = Passanger Impacts Model HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_B8EB531C_C0DA_896A_41DD_4C00A10C672F.text = Phase 1 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_198AED19_C1A4_EC29_41E7_FB4CAC940EC8.text = Phase 2 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_159CA05F_C1A7_3427_41CC_FDF86150A89C.text = Phase 3 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_21143160_C1BF_141C_41E3_8A003D4FBC02.text = Pier C HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_9FF72814_A39B_2625_41D8_105710418A44.text = SB1 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_9C12A5D1_A39A_EE3F_41E3_B617793A74F8.text = SB2 HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_989BB3EA_A399_29ED_41D3_41992EF77B4D.text = SB3 QuadHotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_A47737C3_85EA_727D_41C3_575622DE8A1B.text = Terminal A QuadHotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_C831769E_876A_92C7_41DE_DECF637304A4.text = Terminal B QuadHotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_A7339075_85ED_8E05_41D1_3CB269AE488F.text = Terminal C QuadHotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_CA5A7248_8795_F24C_41CA_5568B73B8E81.text = Terminal D QuadHotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_A72C445A_85F5_F60F_41DD_2C7DCB4F2B67.text = Terminal E QuadHotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_29EBBE87_0965_BDCD_4199_74A161D6F318.text = Terminal F ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2A3A6725_376A_14C9_418E_51876663CF28.toolTip = \ 03/2026-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_64FA51E2_59A4_DE56_41B7_C90593428F16.toolTip = TER-306 \ Terminal B Back of House Restrooms Lift Station Rehabilitation \ 8/2026 12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4603E9A3_54FF_C6E0_41BE_E7CC201EAEE7.toolTip = UTL-207 Data Center and Terminal D UPS Replacement \ 5/2024 10/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF011079_55F8_AB89_41BC_A6C7E54DF527.toolTip = UTL-230 CUP Jet Fuel Piping Line Replacement \ 07/2024-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_235997AC_36A6_1325_41AC_1E7A37B9C542.toolTip = 05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B67EAAF9_A528_892D_41C8_39FB3D460273.toolTip = 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8144A04_CA11_0114_41DA_C4E12BDD441F.toolTip = 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EFC631C3_C0AB_980F_419A_4ED45614D4DC.toolTip = 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B6D0954D_A539_9B65_41D8_5CC3CA2232FD.toolTip = 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2B48700F_376A_0CD9_41CA_12B1759B8814.toolTip = 10/2024-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FE6E0FF7_E40F_F5A3_41E6_0405ED3453CD.toolTip = 10/2024-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D7DA6FF3_C4B1_69D1_41BC_4C58D5B34E51.toolTip = 2025 OTH-086 - Old Conveyances Replacement \ 05/2025-03/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FBA99CEE_C0A9_883F_41CF_749B80C9CBA4.toolTip = 2025 OTH-086 - Old Conveyances Replacement \ 05/2025-03/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7197804D_596C_7E6D_41D4_A250B9CD9D82.toolTip = AFD-063 Placeholder for Bridge Closure 02/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8FF1D92_CEF3_21BE_41E4_28580BB64F54.toolTip = AFD-063 Placeholder for Taxiway B Bridge Closure 01/2026-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_11375120_6AF3_7A95_41DA_36CFC2B9C404.toolTip = AFD-153 \ FY24 Airfield Remediation \ 05/2026-04/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1685847D_6AF1_BB6F_41CC_4BCA81C2E53D.toolTip = AFD-153 \ FY24 Airfield Remediation \ 05/2026-04/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_152A36D2_6AF1_E7B4_41C3_5DA4DFE1B547.toolTip = AFD-153 \ FY24 Airfield Remediation \ 05/2026-04/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5FCC3E6C_2F0C_90D3_41B9_93F948F971B1.toolTip = Begin Thursday August 8 lane closure at 2300 S. Service Rd. – 8/8/2024 8/8/2024 RDS-067 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5EB79F76_2F14_90BF_4174_82E539275A09.toolTip = Begin Tuesday August 6 at 2300 N. Service Rd. – Utility Locates 8/6/2024 8/7/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EED1C59B_C0A7_983F_41E7_B5E0C1307B60.toolTip = Detour \ 06/2024-07/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EEAC3618_C0A7_9839_41E3_9CED073CF554.toolTip = Detour \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_452D002F_78F7_5B86_41D8_04348702D773.toolTip = High Mast Pole Demo / North bound right lane closed \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_458E30E9_733C_3F03_41D4_FF2CECCB08C5.toolTip = High Mast Pole Demo / North bound right lane closed \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5CBF8376_2F74_90BA_41C6_D41B9B56C332.toolTip = IP shoulder closure RDS-067 08/12/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_77AAE065_5E9A_561E_41D0_ACB457B0D38D.toolTip = Lane closure - High Mast Pole Demo 08/20/2024 08/21/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_768090CB_5EF9_D616_41D7_81A3DFFDD499.toolTip = Left Lane Closures 10/23 9/24 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9FF6C814_A39B_2625_41C2_4D34E64C51C8.toolTip = Lower Level Ramp Lane Closure for section A Garage \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9C12B5D2_A39A_EE3D_41BD_EA6FF0A693AF.toolTip = Lower Level Ramp Lane Closure for section A Garage \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_98FAC422_A399_2E1D_41D2_3099148F4016.toolTip = Lower Level Ramp Lane Closure for section B Garage \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AE69ED21_E69F_363D_41CA_825A7E641B2F.toolTip = N.International Pkwy. Sep 16,17 2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_87A6A9FB_9DF2_4C86_41CE_313E87F7DBDD.toolTip = NRDS-221 Hyatt Regency Hotel Driveway Rehabilitation \ 08/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F35549F9_E894_F1A5_41E2_E359EDA93FF3.toolTip = NTER-300 One-Stop Security (OSS) Pax Navigation Options Implementation \ 10/2023-12/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5F3C20D9_2F0C_91F2_41BE_1947A7788AE2.toolTip = Night ramp closure – Terminal B \ – ECUP Crane Operation \ 8/15/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4FAA4FBB_58BB_C22F_41B3_B9C8520E1970.toolTip = OTH-086 \ Old Conveyances Replacement \ 05/2025-03/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F6EFEEC9_C0D9_8865_41D6_B8160B5EE581.toolTip = OTH-086 \ Old Conveyances Replacement \ 05/2025-03/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6D5CDC39_59A4_C635_41A5_226BC902550D.toolTip = OTH-086 \ Old Conveyances Replacement \ 05/2025-03/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FC88868A_CA31_01D5_41D8_E259E96D77C8.toolTip = OTH-086 \ Closure of Elevator B47 02/2026-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F24DD49E_CA17_01EE_41E2_9DADC32E3589.toolTip = OTH-086 \ Closure of Elevator B49 05/2026-07/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1790D627_7CEA_F0F0_41B8_0C2C1974DD0B.toolTip = OTH-086 Closure Elevator B5 07/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_93A2842A_A64E_E9D8_41C5_0B56E4547BC4.toolTip = OTH-086 Closure of Elevator B46 12/2025-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FD54BB8C_CBF3_07E9_41DF_F99CEA96941A.toolTip = OTH-086 Closure of Elevator E5 09/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DDA91088_CC4A_DD09_41E8_618F513ADE39.toolTip = OTH-086 Closure of escalator at B29 12/2026-03/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DF2AA289_CC3A_BD0B_41D0_FE4E2B2D8887.toolTip = OTH-086 Closure of second Elevator B5 09/2026-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6EFFC26C_59AC_4253_41BC_CF79D6DD7D47.toolTip = OTH-097 \ Terminal B Parking Garage Rehabilitation \ 05/2026-09/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9E9F5F86_AB2C_A886_41E1_BCF06F50FA19.toolTip = OTH-101 Landside Storm Sewer Repair \ 11/2024-11/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40CE3C1D_5F24_8CBD_41C7_0D7856D236F1.toolTip = OTH-101 The Calalyst Center 5/2025 6/2025 - No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F7FA25F5_55D8_F499_41C6_0A65EFECB6D6.toolTip = OTH-103 SkyLink Stair Towers Remediation at South Express Parking \ 08/2024-04/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B76848C0_A0BB_BEEA_41D1_EF7DCB1038A3.toolTip = OTH-103 SkyLink Stair Towers Remediation at South Express Parking \ 09/2024-05/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F0B62867_B9E4_A320_41B3_C7770D09357F.toolTip = PAR-043 A Rehabilitation of Employee Parking Lot 1W (South Phase 09/25/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F35D488A_B9E4_A3E3_418B_1B7FB59508E8.toolTip = PAR-043Rehabilitation and Improvements for Express North and Employee Lot 1W 23/oct/2025 16/Apr/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C2222F3F_BACA_29C0_41BC_62C2C45CC427.toolTip = Parking closure-construction of Terminal F \ 9/2024-5/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3C971865_0967_A44B_41A4_66F165A05662.toolTip = RDS 067 Terminal D S. Service Rd \ 09/10/2025 09/11/2025 PM002 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41791CC8_5FED_8D84_41D3_1428CCC9582A.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_403899B2_5FEC_9784_418D_B6E4C65EEBE2.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41D9227F_5FEF_957D_41C8_2B2A3EA76CB1.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41E04855_5FEC_B48C_41C2_F0DE8B128DB0.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40CF4EF0_5FEF_8D83_4193_A226E3850662.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_406FB2EF_5FEC_959C_41CA_03676170B7FC.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_410348BC_5FE4_95FC_41CD_071B258000B6.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4119376C_5FEF_9C83_41BE_9E8939212A78.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40F76725_5F24_9C8D_41CF_11A8B77CE694.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_414F2F06_5F24_8C8F_41A8_76430D8E3D1C.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41D9B0CC_5F25_9583_41CB_4DA8D89D9F03.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_407B1313_5F25_B485_41D7_A5ACE0D86D2F.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4266563A_5F25_FC87_41A4_77402E837FD9.toolTip = RDS-001 Skylink ATC Replacement \ 07/2021 09/2024 -No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3946B3B6_DBE8_70D2_41E5_D54E157C4784.toolTip = RDS-050-A \ Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_01CECDFF_DBF8_5051_41E3_D0CBB5E557B6.toolTip = RDS-050-A \ Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3A22CBE9_DBE7_F07E_41E6_4DFFA412D01D.toolTip = RDS-050-A \ Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_07286B76_DBE8_7052_41E9_3194A785A4C4.toolTip = RDS-050-A \ Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03459B89_DBF8_50BE_41E6_063D3703209B.toolTip = RDS-050-A \ Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_38A6B111_DBE8_F1AE_41E8_1B062E148F80.toolTip = RDS-050-A \ Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0C275814_DBD8_3FD7_41D5_C52B680C15C8.toolTip = RDS-050-A \ Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_49CEE27E_505F_8F1D_41C8_3C21725A542A.toolTip = RDS-050-A Skylink Structural Improvements \ 10/2021-9/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C322EF17_DE78_BA52_41C6_44C9936C20F7.toolTip = RDS-067 \ International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement 05/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C2C8BE8B_DE47_BA32_41AF_E9DC84091307.toolTip = RDS-067 \ International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement 05/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C240142A_DE78_EE7D_41E5_91CDC0F2D26B.toolTip = RDS-067 \ International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement 05/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C24F3371_DE78_AAEE_41B9_94F7D161C4F7.toolTip = RDS-067 \ International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement 05/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C5303771_DE7B_AAEF_41DE_AA95B959B723.toolTip = RDS-067 \ International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement 05/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_52FD649A_759E_6D45_41D5_4F2BF0BFD44E.toolTip = RDS-067 \ International Pwy & Flyovers Bridges Replacent \ 05/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_52E6ADB3_75E2_DF44_41D1_A7BCBD9822E7.toolTip = RDS-067 \ International Pwy & Flyovers Bridges Replacent \ 05/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E6A52445_C48C_23B0_41E7_7BFE9F569292.toolTip = RDS-067 PM009 \ Detour to access terminal while bridge is closed. \ 07/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E6F9F88E_C48C_E4B0_41D9_2992AB96E451.toolTip = RDS-067 PM009 Detour to access terminal while bridge is closed. \ 07/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E52E5E88_C48C_7CB1_41A7_81E843A599D2.toolTip = RDS-067 PM010 Detour to access terminal while bridge is closed. \ 10/2025 1/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E59C79C2_C48C_24B0_41E7_6BB0E368562C.toolTip = RDS-067 PM010 Detour to access terminal while bridge is closed. \ 10/2025 1/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4DF7CD90_C2F6_545F_41AC_95377F74A408.toolTip = RDS-067 PM011 Detour to access terminal while bridge is closed. \ 05/2026-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E57EC948_C4FC_E5BF_41D7_3974850E161D.toolTip = RDS-067 PM011 Detour to access terminal while bridge is closed. \ 05/2026-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E3956775_F16A_128F_41E8_206CA12EDE38.toolTip = RDS-067 -International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement, Terminal A Tie In 10/2025-01/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E35A896C_F15E_1E82_41ED_59D67A25C425.toolTip = RDS-067 -International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement, Terminal B Tie In 06/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E4DDB40A_F1B6_3682_41ED_A1675DB26ECF.toolTip = RDS-067 -International Parkway Flyover Bridges Replacement, Terminal C Tie In 05/2026-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_76979E0B_6BD9_99C7_41B3_0AA271AED2E6.toolTip = RDS-067 -Terminal B Right Lane Closure 08/12/2024-08/14/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_26CF6B97_08BB_64D6_41A0_F1E8BA07186A.toolTip = RDS-067 -Terminal B SB Right Hand Single Lane Closure \ uOPIM-00001 \ 9/2024-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA3FBA4F_CF35_22B3_41D0_0B4E6CF3D5B0.toolTip = RDS-067 Begin Tuesday August 13 - IP shoulder closure – IP \ Right – High Mast Pole Construction 8/13/2024 6/13/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_77B445A8_6BFA_EAC0_41C8_55652478FD34.toolTip = RDS-067 Carousel Rd. right lane close \ 08/15/24 08/20/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_709B0938_6BEF_FBC1_41D9_648EE578138C.toolTip = RDS-067 Hyatt Garage Entry Ramp – Hyatt \ Garage Ramp Demo Prep 8/5/2024 8/29/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_72001609_5E8A_3A12_41C1_66E5FB4C50FB.toolTip = RDS-067 Lane Closure at S. Internatinal Pkwy 7/26/2024 03/31/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_04384D58_CA64_B30F_41E4_A1B9A4029877.toolTip = RDS-067 NUT SB Right Single Lane Closure for Aux Lane \ uOPIM-00007 \ 08/2025-04/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B80831F5_E793_EE13_41E6_5D7A1CF53E86.toolTip = RDS-067 Ramp Closure for IP Ramp Entry Sep 9 Sep 20 2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4A33913F_90F9_CE7F_41D6_9B7118519326.toolTip = RDS-067 Right lane Close 08/27/2024 08/28/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0F66E44_E771_127F_41C6_E12E1E2FAEE8.toolTip = RDS-067 Right lane close Sep 18/2024 Sep 20/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_513FFA35_910E_F206_41E0_EA33CD78A788.toolTip = RDS-067 S. International Pwy Barrier Install 9/2024 6/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_271874D4_099C_EC4B_4191_8B9518BF1170.toolTip = RDS-067 TC NB Right Hand Single Lane Closure 11/2025-02/2026 PM008 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_275F7384_097F_A4CC_41A6_E050DAADD800.toolTip = RDS-067 Terminal A NB Right Hand Single Lane Closure uOPIM-00003 \ 09/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E5EDBC53_C494_7C56_41D8_EBE87E351739.toolTip = RDS-067 Terminal C NB Right Hand Single Lane closure uOPIM-00008 \ 04/2025-07/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E43E91A2_C48C_24F6_41CB_4B52E73B3598.toolTip = RDS-067 Terminal C NB Right Hand Single Lane closure uOPIM-00008 \ 04/2025-07/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_577994F0_9107_5600_41E3_2955D42A04F7.toolTip = RDS-067 Terminal C to D Crossunder #3 Sep-10/2024 September 11/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_534A4262_9109_D23D_41E2_7D4F4AEA57AE.toolTip = RDS-067 east bound road closeures 9/10/2024 9/11/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5383A6AB_9109_B202_41D4_9AC11F65D293.toolTip = RDS-067 east bound road closeures 9/26/2024 9/27/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BA137858_E7B1_1E14_41DF_1CD4BFB8C174.toolTip = RDS-067left lane closure Service RD Sep 23 OCT 25 2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_48572CE6_58BC_4659_418E_7B254DB3C3F5.toolTip = RDS-186-C \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 03/2025-04/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40F78DC0_5F25_8F83_41BE_C58BF70B902E.toolTip = RDS-186-C \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 04/2025-04/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFD4BC44_6E75_504E_41C4_9EE44DBBEFFE.toolTip = RDS-186-C \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 uOPIM-00001 \ 01/2025-04/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9C9EFE4_CF36_E16C_41D6_B0F1C5A7B93D.toolTip = RDS-186-C 21 NIP 23 \ uOPIM-00018 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 12/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA1E2C61_CF32_E764_41E3_EB1731396C42.toolTip = RDS-186-C 22 SIP 34 \ uOPIM-00019 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 12/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D83AE8EB_CEF7_2F6E_41E3_287BC19822C4.toolTip = RDS-186-C 24 SBR 10 \ uOPIM-00021 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 01/2026-01/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DBA258D0_CF32_EFAF_41AE_56FCEDD7B156.toolTip = RDS-186-C 11 NIP 34 \ uOPIM-00011 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 09/2025-09/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DB33FC65_CF35_2776_41E9_0F5D74541710.toolTip = RDS-186-C 13 NBFR 21 \ uOPIM-00012 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 09/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B699E0BC_B7F5_4B13_41DD_0583D8CA1AC0.toolTip = RDS-186-C 14 NBR 7 uOPIM-00013 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 10/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA0511C8_CF3E_E1BD_41A6_8D347418DC30.toolTip = RDS-186-C 16  200 NB SR \ uOPIM-00014 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 10/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA68377B_CF36_E153_41E5_2D6262B90F94.toolTip = RDS-186-C 17 NBR \ uOPIM-00015 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 11/2025-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA43A2D6_CF32_E354_41E0_01F92E4907DA.toolTip = RDS-186-C 18 NIP 22 \ uOPIM-00016 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 11/2025-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DAF7A1CB_CF0F_21BC_41E5_47639FC98E75.toolTip = RDS-186-C 20 SBR 9 \ uOPIM-00017 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 11/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9447CB9_CF0D_27EA_41D4_787D66DAEF47.toolTip = RDS-186-C 23 ESP 2 \ uOPIM-00020 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 12/2025-01/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D837097A_CEF7_6169_41E5_EEDBD3191FAE.toolTip = RDS-186-C 25 SIP 35 \ uOPIM-00022 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 01/2026-01/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C75CD1C2_D10D_2199_41E5_94497F354567.toolTip = RDS-186-C 26 SBFR 24 \ uOPIM-00023 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 01/2026-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F82AD60F_C48C_2FB1_41E5_01722AE56F94.toolTip = RDS-186-C Location 27 NBFR 6 \ uOPIM-00024 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 02/2026-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FA637185_C494_24B1_41E8_5AE37A1A7803.toolTip = RDS-186-C Location 28 NBFR 4 \ uOPIM-00025 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 02/2026-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FA853DE8_C48C_1C7F_41E2_F4633078C896.toolTip = RDS-186-C Location 29 NBFR 3 \ uOPIM-00026 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 02/2026-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DAABF4FA_CF35_275D_41E6_6E28BBCC666D.toolTip = RDS-186-C NB IP Slope repair #4 \ uOPIM-00034 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 11/2025-01/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FB09DD09_C57C_7DB1_41CE_20798CF5EC44.toolTip = RDS-186-C NB IP Slope repair #7 \ uOPIM-00036 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 02/2026-04/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FAEE1712_C574_2DD3_41D9_EE42D1048AEF.toolTip = RDS-186-C SB IP Slope repair #2 \ uOPIM-00032 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 08/2025-09/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D940BA02_CF35_22B2_41E0_687C0135B0ED.toolTip = RDS-186-C SB IP Slope repair #3 \ uOPIM-00033 \ 09/2025-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0CDA9D52_2A08_8232_41A7_07A927FC3DAE.toolTip = RDS-186-C Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 Location 9 SBFR 11 \ uOPIM-00009 \ 08/2025-09/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA0699FA_CF13_2153_41E9_3E6AE0B9E4DB.toolTip = RDS-186-CLocation 10 NIP 37 uOPIM-00010 \ Soil Slope Remediation Phase 3 \ 09/2025-09/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D80E777D_C4F3_3A05_41E2_1AD6E15187E1.toolTip = RDS-222 Replacement of retaining Wall 3NW18 and 4SW18 \ 01/2026-09/2026 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D910598D_CEF5_21AB_41E3_34F23BC55387.toolTip = RDS-222 Lane closure for replacement of retaining wall 01/2026-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C7651A68_D13D_2296_41DB_70D04573EABC.toolTip = RDS-222 Lane closure for replacement of retaining wall 06/2026 080/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_77154C58_59A4_C673_41AE_F6D6F2FE8190.toolTip = RDS-226 Terminal D Expansion Joint Rehabilitation \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7289A86A_5E86_76EA_41AA_6F60E704CE36.toolTip = Ramp work 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_393FC557_BF8D_5C57_41CB_4C918B5DC1B1.toolTip = Road Closure July 22 2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4BE9788E_73F4_6F1F_41B5_65E3AC8CEB02.toolTip = Road Stop \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5F8DD809_2F0C_9057_41A7_78C80F7261D5.toolTip = Road Stop 08/5/2024 8/7/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5A5A5883_2F15_B054_41B9_167923903BFB.toolTip = Road Stop 08/5/2024 8/7/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44D9CAF4_731C_2303_41B3_5974404D193A.toolTip = S. International Pkwy. Entry Ramp Closure (Nighttime) \ 06/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5C061489_2F0C_9052_41B7_DC1E0BA713AD.toolTip = S. Service Rd Right Lane closure 9/10/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0E413BB_E77F_7208_41EA_C5E0048AD8EE.toolTip = S. Service Rd left Lane closure 9/11/2024 10/4/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40542931_5FE5_7485_41D3_4E99B00841AA.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4104E95D_5FE5_94BC_41D2_2E532F798A3A.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40B7E5E0_5FE4_FF83_41D2_8051BC862C17.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4170A7C9_5FE4_BB85_41C4_3B783C5BF3BB.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41FCA6CC_5FE5_9D9C_41D4_9ECD2713D5A6.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40010D0B_5FEC_8C85_418E_03719C00A04C.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41DCE29D_5FE5_F5BD_41CA_498A2BF3833B.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40C97731_5FE4_9C84_41B3_FA129518A702.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4123DF18_5FE4_8C83_41BA_40CCE6396A7B.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023 11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_409E2B2F_5FE4_949C_41CB_27E9F2B6F3CC.toolTip = SAF-078 Employee Inspection Portal Redesign 01/2023-11/2024 \ no impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41F5F0A2_5F1D_B587_41C4_FD5B4C09AADA.toolTip = SAF-094 Skylink MSF & Stairwells Fence replacement 09/2024 03/2025 - No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_415C2847_5F2C_F48E_41BD_6A043CBFF4AD.toolTip = SAF-094 Skylink MSF & Stairwells Fence replacement 10/2024 04/2025 - No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41FCA43D_5F2F_7CFD_41B5_AF1F8F49AC34.toolTip = SAF-094 Skylink MSF & Stairwells Fence replacement 10/2024 04/2025 - No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF679C2E_DB1F_9398_41E4_E2D8BF8611AD.toolTip = SAF-097 A15 Terminal Exit Lane Program - Phase 1 12/2024-01/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF8A25A1_DB2D_9C8D_41D4_9C115CFACF47.toolTip = SAF-097 A22 Exit. Box around exit to include staging area and work zone. Will affect Baggage claim area. 07/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C9D7BDE5_DB2C_6C94_41DB_4DA7C07EF84A.toolTip = SAF-097 A25 Exit. Box around exit to include staging area and work zone. Will affect Baggage claim area. 03/2025-04/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFD0AA81_DB24_9488_41CF_BBFFF8CB5DBE.toolTip = SAF-097 Exit A-33. Box around exit to include staging area and work zone. Will affect Baggage claim area. 08/2025-08/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_89205416_9BD2_DBC4_41E2_B487A349EE30.toolTip = SAF-097 Terminal Exit Lane Program \ 12/2024-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8F0CA2E4_9C56_DC73_41B3_950F866F174E.toolTip = SAF-097 Terminal Exit Lane Program - Phase1 \ 12/2024-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFAFBE97_DB64_AC89_41E7_0A1FE4F15806.toolTip = SAF-098 Closing of passenger exit.  Period closure for installation. Adjacent Emergency exit to be converted to maned exit to reduce impact to customer 11/2025-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFFDE6A9_DB6C_9C86_41D3_3E1F6278195F.toolTip = SAF-098 Closing of passenger exit.  Period closure for installation. Adjacent Emergency exit to be converted to maned exit to reduce impact to customer 11/2025-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D5EF6F20_C4B1_6A6E_41E4_6F2C7F7BE061.toolTip = SAF-098 Terminal Exit Lane Program-Phase II \ 07/2025-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D6AA6000_C4D1_162D_41DC_B67C3E1E0780.toolTip = SAF-098 Terminal Exit Lane Program-Phase II \ 07/2025-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3902A031_BF9D_53E9_4180_CA2795ECBA1D.toolTip = Shoulder closure Beam Structure Removal 05/18/2024 12/31/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41CAB320_7314_6101_4176_16D70E2D98C8.toolTip = TD S. Service Rd. - Left Lane closed 08/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DC0E8FB4_6AB1_E5F3_41C8_6D7582A1E977.toolTip = TDF-015-A \ Airfield Operations Office Relocation \ 04/2025-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F6D6EC28_C0A7_8824_41A6_A871615B6753.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program \ 06/2025-3/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_06F43116_A63E_ABDF_41CA_73ACBCF6D759.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program Levels 1 - 3 \ uOPIM-00002 \ 08/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_990ABAB2_A63B_FEC7_41B3_12ABEF931EA0.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program Levels 4 - 6 06/2026-04/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E4D750E9_A63E_6A45_41B4_521AB1AB9E11.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program Throughout all Levels within the Terminal and Satellite \ uOPIM-00006 \ 05/2026-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8014368_CDFE_3590_41E5_0E5E1461F0D4.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program Throughout all Levels within the Terminal and Satellite 04/2026-05/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9D7BF85_CDB2_CC9E_41D4_A5D72F8ADA26.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program Throughout the Terminal Garage all levels \ uOPIM-00004 \ 10/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8396B56_CDD6_55B1_41E2_15DC029E6540.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program Throughout the Terminal all levels \ uOPIM-00003 \ 10/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DBAD113D_CDF6_55EF_41CE_B4F7A3347A40.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS) Program Throughout the Terminal all levels 08/2026-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7C102AD6_DE58_DA2B_41DE_1509D2F39077.toolTip = TECH-102 Replacement AACS (RAACS)Throughout the Terminal all levels \ uOPIM-00001 \ 08/03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0E5496E3_7C66_3171_41D4_9A2F8AE02F46.toolTip = TECH-102 Upgrading the Access Control Components for all relative doors 03/2027-05/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7D0721BC_5F1C_978E_41D3_558F31DE1600.toolTip = TECH-102 Upgrading the Access Control Components for all relative doors 06/2025-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7C33FDB2_5724_5E94_41B9_4B8BFAF72DF6.toolTip = TECH-102 Upgrading the Access Control Components for all relative doors 06/2025-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7D81D34A_5724_4BF7_41B7_2EFF299AB281.toolTip = TECH-102 Upgrading the Access Control Components for all relative doors 06/2025-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7D9B46A9_5725_CAB5_41BC_8B1D65A96340.toolTip = TECH-102 Upgrading the Access Control Components for all relative doors 06/2025-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7D57D256_5F1D_F49B_41C0_567B9F31EF3D.toolTip = TECH-102 Upgrading the Access Control Components for all relative doors 06/2025-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DE64CDF5_CC4A_A719_41E7_81710342A515.toolTip = TER 287 Closure of the Escalator located at each end of the A-B Sky-bridge 09/2027-10/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DDAAC145_CC7E_DF78_41DE_BB30964D9DD8.toolTip = TER 287 Closure of the elevator located at each end of the A-B Sky-bridge 03/2027-04/2027 -- 03/2027 05/2027-- 07/2027 09/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DF6CB0AD_CC5D_FD0B_416C_4E1A103A530D.toolTip = TER 287 Closure of the elevator located at each end of the A-B Sky-bridge 04/2027-06/2027 -- 07/2027- 09/2027 -- 09/2027-10/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F39E017C_CA17_0329_41E3_EC2A28E8C6D0.toolTip = TER 287 Closure of the moving walk way located within the A-B Sky-bridge 02/2025 06/2025 -- 05/2025 10/2025 -- 10/2025 1/2026 --5/2026 9/2026 -- 9/2026 12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F380FFC1_E983_9E04_41B8_8073F358034C.toolTip = TER 301 A1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 02/2025-05/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F369344F_E985_821C_41D4_8F00B74F8859.toolTip = TER 301 A1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 08/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F3DF1B10_E982_8604_41E9_258F42971196.toolTip = TER 301 A2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 05/2025-08/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F0235564_E986_820C_41BB_F55C1C900B3D.toolTip = TER 301 A2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 12/2025-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F29190D6_E982_820C_41E4_F5B28636464F.toolTip = TER 301 B1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 02/2025-05/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F300CD81_E982_8204_41EC_7599481436D2.toolTip = TER 301 B1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 08/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2D20F6F_E985_9E1C_418A_3DB97AAD157D.toolTip = TER 301 B2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 12/2025-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F393C7B7_E982_8E0D_41DA_B364298FA7DF.toolTip = TER 301 B2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 03/2025-08/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2184978_E987_8203_4191_64C4C7743258.toolTip = TER 301 D1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 10/2026-01/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F3C1E0DF_E986_823C_41E2_28612B8B2D81.toolTip = TER 301 D1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 03/2026-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F37BA337_E987_860C_41B6_6C4B94018174.toolTip = TER 301 D2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 06/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F3DC234B_E986_8605_41E4_385AEBE81446.toolTip = TER 301 D2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 01/2027-04/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F021B4E4_E986_8203_41AC_CA403DE67A1D.toolTip = TER 301 E1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 10/2026-01/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F302F30F_E986_861C_41E2_A5F5FD716C0D.toolTip = TER 301 E1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 03/2026-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2A857F2_E987_8E04_41E8_F71EA00386E1.toolTip = TER 301 E2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 06/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F3E3374E_E986_8E1F_41BC_01C161D804E6.toolTip = TER 301 E2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 01/2027-04/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F28AFCA3_E985_8204_41A1_B711D8B2601F.toolTip = TER 301 NC1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 04/2027-07/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2FD9CCD_E985_821C_41E0_F772AEC83A77.toolTip = TER 301 NC2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 07/2027-11/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F323738A_E986_8607_41D6_03E6F4A1F9D3.toolTip = TER 301 SC1: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 04/2027-07/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F227EACC_E985_8603_41C5_7391BF61868B.toolTip = TER 301 SC2: Replacement of 2 elevators with separate Skylink stations 07/2027-11/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4DAFFBCA_5028_9D65_41B7_5F54137A9E68.toolTip = TER-067 Term-A Roofing Project \ 11/2021 12/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_51F8F056_75AE_65C8_41B6_4DE11555D470.toolTip = TER-180 CTX Replacement Project \ Terminal C \ 03/2022-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_53B99B22_759E_FB45_41BB_00DBA0D27EA4.toolTip = TER-180 CTX Replacement Project \ Terminal A,B,C \ 03/2022-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8FCE2D93_963A_C42D_41D5_64FA7C6549F4.toolTip = TER-180 CTX Replacement Project \ Terminal A,B,C \ 03/2022-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C91C8BA5_DB24_7494_4185_44162B77D618.toolTip = TER-180 Installation Temporary construction walls for Temporary Screening efforts 03/2025-10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF00FF48_DB25_ED99_41EA_43813E4E62C5.toolTip = TER-180 Installation of Temporary construction walls for Temporary Screening efforts 07/2025-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF68B973_DB24_958D_41B0_50946243CF7A.toolTip = TER-180-A CTX Replacement Project - Terminal D 37 03/2025-01/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C83B0EBA_DB1C_ACFD_41E0_6AA46F7E414A.toolTip = TER-180-A CTX Replacement Project - Terminal D 37 07/2024-02/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CB9B20E0_DAE4_B48E_41E2_FBAEF07435FE.toolTip = TER-180-A CTX Replacement Project - Terminal D D6-D22 08/2024-08/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFD35BB4_DB6F_B48F_41DE_5157FBD5144B.toolTip = TER-180-A CTX Replacement Project - Terminal D D6-D22 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BA8A99DC_9BE7_D03E_41E0_7D1E0B5AE934.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E 11/2024 11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B8BBFD59_9A20_F006_41D7_3936B4EF1418.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E HVAC Control System Replacement \ 11/2024 11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B9A2AF67_9BE1_500A_41DC_046C28BA0B6E.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E HVAC Control System Replacement \ 11/2024 11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BAA859EB_9BE3_301A_41DB_C22B1C5A5A4C.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E HVAC Control System Replacement \ 11/2024 11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B93942FA_9BEF_3005_41E0_D3A8ED1ED159.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E HVAC Control System Replacement \ 11/2024-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B913D53D_9BE0_F07F_41B4_EF8B70DFE7B8.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E HVAC Control System Replacement \ 11/2024-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B80DE4AC_9BE1_301D_41D9_BDC81DEDC85E.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E HVAC Control System Replacement \ 11/2024-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_868810EE_A0FA_CEB8_4193_D604D840C077.toolTip = TER-208 Skylink Stations A,B,C and E HVAC Control System Replacement \ 11/2024-11/2025 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4951FF6B_E9B7_12DB_419A_3CC317137570.toolTip = TER-236-B - A24 Restroom Closure \ 12/2024-05/2025 \ uOPIM-00001 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7092A663_E9B5_72CB_41E3_1F23FCA50F96.toolTip = TER-236-B - B19 Restroom Closure \ uOPIM-00002 \ 09/2024-04/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_533E5B10_E997_3245_41D2_CF78DC2A0E4D.toolTip = TER-236-B - E24 Restroom Closure \ uOPIM-00003 \ 11/2024-03/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_ED737FD6_55C9_949B_41D3_0291F20755E5.toolTip = TER-236-B Holistic Airside Restrooms Program (HARP) - Phase 1 \ 09/2024-05/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8FE8C59F_962A_444E_41B3_E33F45B63E5C.toolTip = TER-236-B Holistic Airside Restrooms Program (HARP) Phase 1 \ 10/2024-05/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB47ED8C_BA55_E8C6_41B6_E2AEB200914E.toolTip = TER-236-B Holistic Airside Restrooms Program (HARP) Phase 1 \ 11/2024-06/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB487DF7_BA5A_E842_41D6_96F4A11882C0.toolTip = TER-236-B Holistic Airside Restrooms Program (HARP) Phase 1 \ 11/2024-06/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB826659_BACE_1840_41DF_2C097FDB5F32.toolTip = TER-236-C \ Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) Group 2 \ 12/2025-07/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB7DA632_BA3A_1BC0_41E2_34CC7FB074CD.toolTip = TER-236-C \ Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) Group 2 \ 12/2025-07/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EAC06483_CF4E_5377_41C9_E8E70412D296.toolTip = TER-236-C - A18 Restroom Closure 12/2025-07/2026 uOPIM-00001 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EC89A9A5_CF52_D4B0_41DB_03B03F6EB402.toolTip = TER-236-C - D36 Restroom Closure 12/2025-04/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB7D16C2_BA3A_3840_41E6_D7DF4E71E949.toolTip = TER-236-D \ Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) Group 3 \ 04/2025 1/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB7C96E8_BA3A_3840_41CB_9E9D791B5427.toolTip = TER-236-D \ Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) Group 3 \ 04/2025 1/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB76A817_BA36_17C0_41CE_90A85DD21D7D.toolTip = TER-236-D \ Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) Group 3 \ 04/2025 1/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4BFDDE62_5946_04D3_41C3_D7858ABDDAC5.toolTip = TER-236-D \ Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) Group 3 \ 04/2025-02/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EDBA2AE4_CF5E_D4B0_41A4_E02542F4961E.toolTip = TER-236-D - A38 Restroom Closure 10/2025-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E837C61A_CF72_3F9F_41E8_2DA015A1BF38.toolTip = TER-236-D - A38 Restroom Closure 8/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_ED98CF3B_CF53_CD91_41B9_A28DCC14B81B.toolTip = TER-236-D - E7 Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) Group 3 Closure 08/2025-11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F5B918D8_B824_6368_419C_61D9C7BDD2A5.toolTip = TER-247 Terminal Cabinet and Carpet Replacement 06/2025 12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_402A3D89_5942_0451_41CB_B8131C7DB79F.toolTip = TER-253 \ Terminal Dynamic Glass \ 07/2026-03/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C565F5B3_E895_71A5_41AF_EE6EF814B7DB.toolTip = TER-253 \ Terminal Dynamic Glass \ 05/2028-08/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1047C8DF_7C6A_1151_41BF_DB69D43EFAAF.toolTip = TER-253 Terminal Dynamic Glass \ 05/2028-05/2028 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5BC22EDA_6BFE_B560_41BC_80541C725AFA.toolTip = TER-253 Terminal Dynamic Glass 08/2024-10/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EF982B5E_7201_F604_41C2_7B810E035F7A.toolTip = TER-261 \ Upper Level Waterproof Roof Work 8/12/2024 9/4/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_70DF2B4B_6BDA_BE5A_41A3_747E3E5BEB5D.toolTip = TER-261 Upper Level Curbside Closures - 8/12/2024 9/4/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_49DE60D4_505B_8B6E_41CB_7641C5CC7F4E.toolTip = TER-261 Waterprofing Project \ 2/2021 9/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_49EB16A4_5068_972E_41C9_21D2316BF75E.toolTip = TER-261 Waterprofing Project \ 2/2021 9/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4AD133F2_5058_8D2A_41CA_4AEE335C1CBF.toolTip = TER-261 Waterprofing Project \ 2/2021 9/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4BEC24FE_5059_8B1A_41C7_8370018C6A51.toolTip = TER-261 Waterprofing Project \ 2/2021 9/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1A46A3FC_59AF_C232_41D3_422EF9B49D2F.toolTip = TER-271 Terminal D Roofing Project Phase I \ 09/2026-03/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_43C7D392_513B_47CE_41D0_18AEF45D520F.toolTip = TER-273 Sky-Link Restroom Initiative 06/2022-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4BEBBBA3_51D8_9D24_41CF_2B3522017643.toolTip = TER-273 Sky-Link Restroom Initiative 06/2022-10/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8F435773_EEEF_7C48_41CE_0739E1FE9CFA.toolTip = TER-274-A -Closure of gate E35 for rehab 10/11/2025-20/11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_88644983_EEE5_74CF_41E4_78845B677DEA.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate B44 08/10/2025-18/10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_882F77C6_EEE5_1C49_41E8_5E6A5FD11B6F.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate B46 19/10/2025-29/10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_89B4E616_EEEB_7FC9_41E7_1E755AF58E51.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate B47 02/05/2025-12/05/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8945B28A_EEEB_34D9_41DB_9B0F17E3C3A4.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate B48 19/10/2025-29/10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_89E326A0_EEEB_3CC9_41E9_FC97B21F373C.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate B49 30/10/2025-02==9/11/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8BF542E6_EEEA_F449_41EA_6BB37C29E169.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D10 \ 19/07/2025-02/08/2025 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_85C1F685_EEED_3CCB_41EA_831F723CF443.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D11 03/08/2025-17/08/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_849473B9_EEED_343B_41D1_0E0709AC2359.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D12 03/09/202517/09/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_846D144A_EEED_FC58_41E0_B49B4A76AC4F.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D14 \ uOPIM-00007 \ 08/10/2025-18/10/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8B074CBD_EEED_0C3B_41D0_A690A4F39C51.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D15 \ 23/10/2025-06/11/2025 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8A0EE197_EEEB_34F7_41DB_4B0013CE7B94.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D16 7/11/2025-21/11/2025 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8AF0E28C_EEEB_34D9_41E6_772B314BFF08.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D17 22/11/2025-04/12/2025 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8A5CF580_EEEB_7CC9_41E7_D32EB2F82F27.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D6 for rehab \ 01 \ 04/06/2025-18/06/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8B58801C_EEED_33F9_41E9_D8A16261DBF2.toolTip = TER-274-A Closure of gate D8 for rehab \ 04/07/2025-18/07/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_85A3B714_EEED_7DC9_41C6_6ECB03D6BDDB.toolTip = TER-274-A Gate D7 Operational Impact entry for Dynamic modeling \ 19/06/2025-03/07/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B9D65E2E_9BE1_501D_41D5_81B3D7A8E951.toolTip = TER-274-A Passenger Boarding Bridge Program #1 -Phase 2 \ 5/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F72F119B_C0A8_981B_41E2_93370AB9D6CF.toolTip = TER-283 Terminal D Plumbing & Mechanical equipment \ 02/2025-05/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_51AE5907_75AD_A752_41A6_86C882B1BC7C.toolTip = TER-283 Terminal D Plumbing & Mechanical equipment replacement \ 01/2024-06/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFD183E6_DCC1_E881_41E9_988467EF8629.toolTip = TER-283 Terminal D Plumbing and Mechanical Equipment Replacement 02/2024-06/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8E114021_9EE4_9CF2_41CD_97841FBC524B.toolTip = TER-287 Skybridge A-B Conveyances \ 09/2024-11/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F89F0CEA_D6AB_808F_41D9_227637936086.toolTip = TER-289 - Pipe Installation for garage fire sprinkler renovation \ uOPIM-00001 \ 04/2024-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E6875671_A6F9_9643_41D3_03B3380F795B.toolTip = TER-289 - Terminal D and Garage Dry Sprinkler System \ uOPIM-00002 \ 04/2024-08/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EB995EC4_CF72_4CF5_41E8_DCD313A7EA70.toolTip = TER-289 - Terminal D and Garage Dry Sprinkler System 08/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7615C910_6B1A_7CE7_41D6_8733578B7D1B.toolTip = TER-289 - Terminal D and Garage Dry Sprinkler System 09/2024-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_53980BEC_75A2_5AD6_41B3_83FF50AC50A3.toolTip = TER-289 Terminal D & Garage Dry Sprinkler System - \ 02/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C1D183_53CF_AC98_41D3_D1C83A93D6E8.toolTip = TER-301 - Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 05/2024-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C1A182_53CF_AC98_41D2_5333DCE76626.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 05/2024-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C23181_53CF_AC98_41D1_D4FD845476C7.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 07/2024-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C3617F_53CF_AC68_41C6_E00EBDEA8885.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 05/2024-01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C27181_53CF_AC98_41B7_2384AA6D0823.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 07/2024-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C12183_53CF_AC98_41B3_C43D42B407FC.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 07/2024-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C28180_53CF_AC98_41D1_B320485AEFB2.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 07/2024-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44D9317E_53CF_AC68_41CF_586B447798E2.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 07/2024-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C2D181_53CF_AC98_419B_91AEC9DE3792.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 07/2024-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44C1F182_53CF_AC98_41C0_F6F6CF9DB15B.toolTip = TER-301 Skylink Elevator \ Replacement Project \ 07/2024-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_411E12CE_5F24_959F_41D6_F19C4827AF3C.toolTip = TER-305 Terminal Golf Carts - Parking Location 09/2024-11/2024 No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40AE8873_5F1C_B485_41D4_FD0A5A7D66B1.toolTip = TER-305 Terminal Golf Carts - Parking Location 09/2024-11/2024 No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40F38309_5FE4_B485_41D3_1FAEDF60C914.toolTip = TER-305 Terminal Golf Carts - Parking Location 09/2024-11/2024 No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F0F89026_B824_6329_4170_A5BEEB140FE0.toolTip = TER-305 Terminal Golf Carts - Parking Location 09/2024-11/2024 No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_419B64C1_5F1C_9D84_419F_F39E736608E2.toolTip = TER-305 Terminal Golf Carts - Parking Location 09/2024-11/2024 No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03C7EFA6_7C66_0FF3_41D6_FE278C0A7588.toolTip = TER-306 - Terminal B Back of House Restrooms Lift Station Rehabilitation 09/2026-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E7206B8F_C757_2AFC_41A1_8C7AC871A8C7.toolTip = TER-307 CBP-BIDS \ 10/2025-07/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D8D73204_CDF2_D790_41DC_D79CDFE8D0D9.toolTip = TER-307 Placeholder to replace BHS Display 04/2026-07/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451C3597_58E4_C6F8_41D2_09AD338A8857.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451D4598_58E4_C6E8_41B2_056EB23D3B6C.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451DD599_58E4_C6E8_41B5_03826ABCFB78.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451D0598_58E4_C6E8_41B1_F81D4EBE9CC1.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451D2599_58E4_C6E8_41B2_436E2620879A.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451CD597_58E4_C6F8_41AA_EED38A1C976B.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451D6598_58E4_C6E8_41D1_24D11FD59F84.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_451C8598_58E4_C6E8_41D1_D76D9A70EF44.toolTip = TER-308 Skylink Platform Displays Replacement \ 09/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8E8A02AD_A656_AED5_41D3_4E0149CE0BF7.toolTip = TER-309 - Terminal D – CBP Corridors and Vestibules Carpet Replacement 04/2025-07/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF7DFDF8_DB25_AC7A_41E7_23C1DD107218.toolTip = TER-309 FIS corridors in Terminals B & D 03/2025-07/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7D8E419E_5724_468A_41CD_5C83B4B93609.toolTip = TER-309 Terminal D-CBP Corridors and Vestibules Carpet Replacement 4/2025 09/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E42E715C_C753_361D_41DB_EA5C0F130ECF.toolTip = TER-311 Terminal D South Digital Curbside & Directions \ 07/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0AC3F755_7C6A_1F51_41CE_9A9C2FF8D2CD.toolTip = TER-311 Terminal D South Digital Curbside & Directories 3 signs between gates D6 & D22 to be replaced \ 07/2026-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03EF3ADF_7C6A_1151_41DC_C62872E7E7E4.toolTip = TER-311 Terminal D South Digital Curbside & Directories 6 signs between gates D6 & D22 to be replaced within the T1-T5 checking area \ 07/2026-09/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DE3EF3A9_CDB2_3496_41E5_F172AE2112EE.toolTip = TER-312 Closing of D22 & D25 Women's Restroom Refresh \ 01/2025-02/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_75FEEFAA_5524_3A9C_41C0_1DF852A0D4D8.toolTip = TER-312 Closing of D22 & D25 to replace lighting 01/2025-02/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_88BFAD70_9C72_C452_41D1_58F5D4750ECA.toolTip = TER-312 Women's Restroom Refresh \ 1/2025-03/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41B52417_5F1C_9C8C_41D2_699C2E8544B9.toolTip = TER-313 Terminal D level 0 Sanitary System Rehab and Access to HVAC units 04/2024-01/2025 \ No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_45C07292_595E_3C73_41AB_16B46004FB3E.toolTip = TER-314 Terminal D Self Service Bag Drop \ 12/2027-11/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41232F43_5F24_8C86_41B6_AB3E7CEFBFD8.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4270A83D_5F25_7482_41D3_E4FDB94925EA.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40EB2CBD_5F25_8D82_41C7_622B4CCF9B81.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BE94BB91_B8EC_E6E0_41E3_25797C765FCD.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_402E17D7_5F25_FB8E_4180_247A17CBF3A1.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BE94B7E7_B8EC_EE20_41E0_707158E0720F.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4159BEE6_5F24_8D8E_41CB_AC15C6F27A24.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41E56392_5F25_9B86_41C6_A46937519C15.toolTip = TER-315 Skylink Fire Pump and associated Component Replacement \ 12/2025-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C783EA1C_D136_E2AE_41E8_28838275878F.toolTip = TER-316 Closure of sidewalk and lane to replace grease trap \ uOPIM-00003 \ 05/2026-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C73B2E45_D135_2299_41D9_3510E382B476.toolTip = TER-316 Closure of sidewalk and lane to replace grease trap \ uOPIM-00004 \ 06/2026-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C7ED8EEF_D135_236A_41E6_E98889545210.toolTip = TER-316 Closure of sidewalk and lane to replace grease trap 02/2026-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C702E083_D13D_FF9A_41E7_646EFACB55A5.toolTip = TER-316 Closure of sidewalk and lane to replace grease trap 03/2026-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E5DBFE57_C4B1_2A10_41E1_1E854A81E2EA.toolTip = TER-316 Terminal A, B, E Grease Interceptors \ 02/2026-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E4F586A6_C4B1_1A30_41E2_1CFBA62CFF9B.toolTip = TER-316 Terminal A, B, E Grease Interceptors \ 02/2026-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E4120064_C4B1_1631_41C6_A5FA2CDFB832.toolTip = TER-316 Terminal A, B, E Grease Interceptors \ 02/2026-02/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C682137E_D135_E16B_41DA_A34197C0B249.toolTip = TER-316 Terminals A, B, & E Grease Interceptors \ 08/2026-09/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F15F647D_B9EC_6322_41B1_389CA19F77C2.toolTip = TER-316 Terminals A, B, & E Grease Interceptors 01/2026 01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F191DEC4_B9EF_DF61_41BC_6E4E7A9735E1.toolTip = TER-316 Terminals A, B, & E Grease Interceptors 01/2026 01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F59471BC_B9E4_6523_41CB_4B8315A21FA3.toolTip = TER-316 Terminals A, B, & E Grease Interceptors 01/2026 01/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C7BAD350_D135_62B6_41E9_A0647D1298BA.toolTip = TER-316 Terminals A, B, & E Grease Interceptors 09/2026-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C720352A_D132_E6EB_41DF_8C5BC444E8C3.toolTip = TER-316 Terminals A, B, & E Grease Interceptors 11/2026-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0734A96C_2A08_8216_41B5_FE4247BA1BA8.toolTip = TER-316 Terminals A, B, & E Grease Interceptors 12/2026-02/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7513D6CB_5524_4A9D_41D0_FACC5F49B467.toolTip = TER-318 Re-design and re routing of duckwork, replacement of the Mechanical Chase room's sanitary pipes between Ramps and concourse Level. 2/2025 4/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E44DCE38_C76E_EA25_41D9_FE6C18D8C4AE.toolTip = TER-319 D-22 SSCP \ 03/2026-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CDE60A67_DCC6_DB8E_41CC_CDDBB2EFF117.toolTip = TER-319 High –SECURITY pre-planning must be in place to prevent a significant impact on the travelers' journey 03/2026-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E66B857A_CF77_DD9F_41B7_6E02C4E79833.toolTip = TER-320 - Terminal E Penthouse Hydronic Piping Bypass 04/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6B55A68D_59AD_C2D2_41CE_8ED82DD150D6.toolTip = TER-320 Terminal E Penthouse Hydronic Piping Bypass \ 02/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA08C974_CF0F_E15A_41E4_BC5C749BBAFC.toolTip = TF2-002 Closing lanes for construction efforts 10/2023 02/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6491A801_3146_24F4_41C5_56AF3600605F.toolTip = TF2-002 Supplementary CUP (eCup) 05/2023-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6247D2AE_3142_650D_41C5_1243E295C799.toolTip = TF2-002 Supplementary CUP (eCup) 05/2023-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_61666917_775C_054D_41D4_3F26EF1754B3.toolTip = TF2-002 Supplementary CUP (eCup) 05/2023-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_20D5633F_7207_950D_41B4_FBD99800A15D.toolTip = TF2-002 Supplementary CUP (eCup) 05/2023-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_82430514_DA99_E33D_41C1_808F1D9E41EB.toolTip = TFD-001 \ East Airfield Lighting Vault Relocations \ 10/2022-06/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_125A7FAE_3526_1A05_41C2_07FB769F9A20.toolTip = TFD-003 \ Concessions next to C11 \ 05/2024-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EBF24873_BFA7_155D_41E5_3FBECAA43CFB.toolTip = TFD-003 \ Concessions next to C26 \ 07/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CB43B668_DAED_9F9F_41E3_8B9649A1507A.toolTip = TFD-003 \ Concessions next to C27-31 \ 05/2024-01/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DBF8F807_DA97_20FD_41D5_12A2230A19AE.toolTip = TFD-003 C11 and demo of C30, closure of Iporte concession and other AA support spaces 05/2024-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CB1C177D_DAE4_7C71_41C1_C5C898D07B75.toolTip = TFD-003 C11 and demo of C30, closure of Iporte concession and other AA support spaces 05/2024-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C9C8651C_DAE4_7DB6_41D2_6E662C63C4BF.toolTip = TFD-003 C27-C31 Ramp and concourse areas, Future road closures \ 05/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C99A52DE_8D6F_8D45_41D2_F2A5BE38D8D1.toolTip = TFD-003 CTA Expansion - C Pier \ 04/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CAA0A49E_DB1B_9CB5_41C3_D64D0147D2BE.toolTip = TFD-003 Concessions next to C26 \ 09/2024-1/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E3D2113F_BF9B_14C4_41D1_A2F00F70A5A0.toolTip = TFD-003 Concessions next to C26 \ PM007 \ 07/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9770E167_D6FB_818F_41E8_FB0203F014AD.toolTip = TFD-003 Concessions next to C26 \ PM007 \ 07/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_94CC0CB7_D6FB_808F_41E3_C440E0E3FC5B.toolTip = TFD-003 Concessions next to C26 \ PM007 \ 07/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_979C05B7_D6FB_808F_41D6_2411030294BB.toolTip = TFD-003 Concessions next to C26 \ uOPIM-00007 \ 07/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2ED1DD61_1965_63F3_4175_5C6B16265EF2.toolTip = TFD-003 Gates C26 Closure \ uOPIM-00003 05/06/2024-10/04/2024 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDBA2AA8_EB66_4A6F_41D0_3B8C4DA42D8E.toolTip = TFD-003 Gates C27 Closure \ PIM003 \ 05/06/2024-10/04/2024 \ \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDD062C4_EB66_5A27_41DE_8DE208FC37A1.toolTip = TFD-003 Gates C28 Closure 09/25/2024-03/19/2026 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2C5D9950_197D_E3D0_41B1_9AE6A7B142AE.toolTip = TFD-003 Gates C29 Closure 09/25/2024-03/19/2026 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FD0C1850_EB65_D63F_41E4_E033A7FB5B72.toolTip = TFD-003 Gates C30 Closure 09/25/2024-03/19/2026 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FD5D83FB_EB65_D9E0_41C8_0830C680A8B3.toolTip = TFD-003 Gates C31 Closure \ 09/25/2024-03/19/2026 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_17F982CE_2CB8_F386_41A6_711CF875E39D.toolTip = TFD-003 Overall Construction \ of Phase 1 \ 05/2024-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C8EFCA52_DAFC_F7B0_418D_1F17D3941A71.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A12 Checkpoint Renovation uOPMI-0003 \ 01/08/2024-09/30/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FD1F160C_EB7E_5A21_41E9_72E591DD2E34.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A13 Gate closures \ uOPIM-00005 \ 08/06/2024-02/14/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDFDB28B_EB63_BA20_41EA_F7B62A27DABA.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A14 -A16 2nd Gate closures uOPIM-007 \ 03/26/2025-09/03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FC324AB6_EB62_4A60_41CF_02C696593DC1.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A14 -A16 2nd Gate closures uOPIM-007 \ 03/26/2025-09/03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FD2F5EA1_EB62_CA60_41D1_5D27625D4505.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A14 -A16 2nd Gate closures uOPIM-007 \ 03/26/2025-09/03/2026 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FEDB775A_EB62_BA20_41EB_46D9DE262C71.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A17 Gate closures, CTA Expansion - A Pier uOPIM-0009 \ 02/04/2025-09/03/2026 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDF9678E_EB62_DA20_41E7_C5591AAD8806.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A19 A20 Gate closures uOPIM 00011 \ 10/27/2024-02/03/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDCFE345_EB62_5A21_41E4_7442E73DA4D1.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A19 A20 Gate closures uOPIM 00011 \ 10/27/2024-02/03/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CA255BE5_DAFC_9490_41E5_918B45C6DDEB.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A21 Checkpoint Renovation \ 01/2024-08/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2A557693_189B_E12D_4195_636B6E2D7005.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A16 , 18-20 2nd Gate closures \ 09/04/2026-10/09/2026 uOPIM 0008 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2A5B7699_189B_E15D_4192_253003668BE6.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A16 , 18-20 2nd Gate closures \ 09/04/2026-10/09/2026 uOPIM 0008 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2A5B069A_189B_E15F_4171_60517BC717A2.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A16 , 18-20 2nd Gate closures \ 09/04/2026-10/09/2026 uOPIM 0008 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EDF5299_BF6B_15DD_41C4_55CA8384DE29.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A16 , 18-20 2nd Gate closures \ 09/04/2026-10/09/2026 uOPIM 0008 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FD163329_EB62_FA60_41E5_B0947AE0C40F.toolTip = TFD-004 \ A18 Gate closures uOPIM-00010 \ 10/25/2024-03/25/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_19A53FEE_7CBA_0F73_41C2_32CF40E65D7B.toolTip = TFD-004 - BHS A15 Renovation 01/2026-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDF45664_EB62_BAE0_41D8_F39B47EFA512.toolTip = TFD-004 - A14 -A15 Gate closures uOPIM-0006 08/08/2024-10/24/2024 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FDB6EF21_EB62_4A60_41EB_77A8B6F6B2EF.toolTip = TFD-004 - A14 -A15 Gate closures uOPIM-0006 08/08/2024-10/24/2024 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DBEFF05A_DA89_2117_41C1_DB836599C750.toolTip = TFD-004 A21 Checkpoint Renovation \ uOPIM-0004 \ 01/08/2024-09/20/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_872533DF_9A61_5035_41C0_112937BE438E.toolTip = TFD-004 CTA Expansion - A Pier \ 08/2024-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5ABE34EE_6B06_D523_41DA_7B17BCEBBA4C.toolTip = TFD-004 two concesions closures \ 08/06/2024 10/9/2026 uOPIM-0002 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_07306F7D_C09B_2CA1_41CD_C90B57CB5425.toolTip = TFD-006 \ CTA Exp-Term C Gates 14-26 Phase3 \ 4/24/2029 9/29/2031 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0B16388A_C0A5_146F_41DB_23594FED23EF.toolTip = TFD-006 \ CTA Exp-Term C Gates 2->13 Phase 2 \ 11/17/2026 4/24/2029 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E7FBCAE2_C7B1_2A21_41D8_B932F15B772C.toolTip = TFD-006 \ CTA Exp-Term C Reno 2-26 \ 11/2026-09/2031 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6E64A892_C0FF_7583_41E5_58EA1043ECAB.toolTip = TFD-007-A \ 11/2026-03/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4E68D636_5942_04B3_41C4_D821B82DA32E.toolTip = TFD-007-A CTA Terminal C Garage & Roadways North \ 11/2026-03/2028 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_229BC129_C09B_144B_41D4_F231C134FAD7.toolTip = TFD-007-B 08/2028-10/2029 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_473D8593_5946_0471_41D5_2DDDED37C76F.toolTip = TFD-007-B CTA Exp Terminal C Garage & Roadways Central \ 08/2028-12/2029 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_442B17AD_507B_750C_41B1_293A746E6D8D.toolTip = TFD-007-C -CTA Exp-Term C Garage South \ 10/2024-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF8AE602_DD42_2B83_41DC_21B7318CC652.toolTip = TFD-007-C -CTA Exp-Term C Garage South uOPIM-00001 \ 9/2024-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C4E43050_DE48_E62E_41E9_0DD68BCC1899.toolTip = TFD-008 \ CTA Exp-Utility Corr 10/2023-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9FF1284E_BFBB_756B_41C5_0534C209C800.toolTip = TFD-008 \ uOPIM-00001 \ C25-39 \ 06/2024-1/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_43891C1A_511F_40FE_41C7_EBFDFC708FB0.toolTip = TFD-008 CTA Exp-Utility Corr 10/2023 1/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4A5B7FD5_73F4_2102_41A1_40B41F4010C5.toolTip = TFD-008 Right Lane closures \ uOPIM-00002 \ 06/01/2024-01/01/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA9245BF_CF0D_21CA_41BA_75353A441EF4.toolTip = TFD-008 uOPIM-00003 \ C Lower level Lane and Walkway C20-15 \ 12/2024-03/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA41B96C_CF13_6172_4161_C568CCADECBD.toolTip = TFD-008 uOPIM-00004 \ C Lower level Lane and Walkway C14-9 \ 08/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B2B8A2AB_AB2D_B88D_41DE_7F184243D529.toolTip = TFD-008 uOPIM-00005 \ C Lower level Lane and Walkway C8-1 \ 08/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C3036B64_C39D_CA0C_41E3_DD1A21E3BE76.toolTip = TFD-012 DFW Hardstand Expansion 12/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_709B5CE9_555C_FE9B_41C4_BF1FFAB87E49.toolTip = TFD-015 Terminal E Reconfiguration \ 12/2028-10/2029 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2A09085A_39B1_BC3F_41AD_10841D2B5527.toolTip = TFD-015 Terminal E reconfiguration 02/2025-12/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CDD700AD_BACA_F8C0_41B7_AF993C062071.toolTip = TFD-016 \ Closure of Parking lot for construction of Terminal F uOPIM-00001 \ 09/2024-05/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9A459075_BA7E_1843_41CE_B1CB32DEEA73.toolTip = TFD-016 \ Terminal F Concourse and Skylink Station, Skylink Station Construction \ 01/2026-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6E9A817F_7A20_98CF_41D4_8BC77DF79EB8.toolTip = TFD-016 - Terminal F Councourse & Skylink Station \ 06/2024-05/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6C07B40B_7A20_7837_41BD_6E68263DC117.toolTip = TFD-016 - Terminal F Councourse & Skylink Station \ 06/2024-05/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8FED327D_962A_5CDA_41E1_14DC552622C8.toolTip = TFD-016 - Terminal F Councourse & Skylink Station \ 08/2024-05/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2E01B36_EC47_F5E0_41D8_5DE962334A95.toolTip = TFD-016 Pinched Loop \ uOPIM-00002 \ 01/20226-03/2026 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB62E023_BA4E_17C0_41E4_26FA8180DCC0.toolTip = TFD-017 \ Road and parking for tunnel construction from baggage building to Terminal E tie point. \ uOPIM-00001 \ 02/2025-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9A22CE2E_BA56_6BC1_41C2_2912F741C111.toolTip = TFD-017 \ Road and parking for tunnel construction from baggage building to Terminal F tie point uOPIM-00002 \ 02/2025-03/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1D42C207_39BC_0C98_419C_166B36D33315.toolTip = TFD-017 Terminal F Civil and Utility \ 03/2025-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4DA5E537_5565_CFE7_41D1_15A811886835.toolTip = TFD-017 Tunel 1/2025 10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_13189BA2_3A5F_F39E_41C0_6F5FEC0EF194.toolTip = TFD-017-A Loading Dock and Bag Building \ 03/2025-06/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FCE287DF_BC7F_3C10_41DE_B14A325993AB.toolTip = TFD-017-A Loading Dock and Bag Building \ 05/2025-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7B0D7E0C_572C_5D71_41C7_5EBF451A8BF8.toolTip = TFD-019 Termina D Bus Station \ 05/2026-09/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A780E31D_BA36_19C3_41DF_5809FCA71F3B.toolTip = TFD-020 \ Terminal E Infill Closure of North Lower Roadways \ 05/2025-11/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_12C864E5_3A44_3564_41CC_28CCD95AAB4D.toolTip = TFD-020 Termina E Infill \ 03/2025-01/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFFEB695_DB64_9C8F_41E9_AAD9093881E7.toolTip = TFD-021 CTA - A-C Connector \ 11/2026-02/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9C21C3EB_AB15_988E_41E2_A758F6DFED1A.toolTip = TFD-021 CTA - A-C Connector 03/2026-06/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6FD388E0_7A60_A9E6_41AC_06D1E6A23985.toolTip = TFD-022 \ CTA - C-E Connector \ 08/2025-12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7005CABC_596C_4233_41C7_707C4FB7C69A.toolTip = TFD-022 CTA - C-E Connector 13/08/2025-18/12/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF5F105E_DB2C_93B9_41C8_A1111BFCDAA2.toolTip = TFD-022 Detail to be revised and updated once design complete 08/2025-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B006969D_A79A_3E8C_41B1_1A5B2D1FE54E.toolTip = TTFD-016 - Terminal F Councourse & Skylink Station \ 06/2024-05/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6C8F5FC9_7A60_6826_41D5_FCA394F36E95.toolTip = TTFD-019 Terminal D Bus Station \ 05/2025-09/2026 \ \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_52353CF8_75A2_DEB9_41DD_255C5FDCE60B.toolTip = Ter-180-A CTX Replacement Project \ Terminal D \ 09/2022-08/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_45626595_58E4_C6F8_41D0_3F405319504C.toolTip = Ter-236-C Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) 12/2025-07/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6E8404FA_59A5_C636_41D5_6D9B90077833.toolTip = Ter-290 Terminal D Roofing Project Phase 2 \ 07/2026-08/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8A36B50B_9C72_45AC_41E2_2D47A04A5BD4.toolTip = ULT-211 Terminal D Grease Trap Rehab \ 05/2025-05/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9F49F9B7_AB3C_A886_41DF_F9780312BE00.toolTip = UTL-004-B Landside Storm Sewer Repair \ 03/2023-10/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A2EAA58C_C136_D448_41B4_00A48CD1A5A4.toolTip = UTL-024-B \ High Pole Lighting Replacement \ uOPIM-00001 \ 06/2024-09/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4C6A4B89_5B6F_5BF9_41C5_2889C4FE4E7B.toolTip = UTL-024-B -High Pole Lighting Replacement (Phase II) \ 05/2024-06/2025 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4F870552_5D03_49E3_41D4_32B620E6F993.toolTip = UTL-024-B -High Pole Lighting Replacement (Phase II) \ 05/2024-06/2025 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A97DF98E_C115_FC49_4179_1B446EBFE202.toolTip = UTL-128 Rehabilitate Energy Plaza 1/2025 9/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_4A7D05A9_51D8_9524_41B5_87B80A8A5F15.toolTip = UTL-146 Terminal D Parking Garage Lighting Upgrade \ 10/2022-11/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_40395ECA_5F3F_8D87_41CC_75F85367FAA5.toolTip = UTL-161 1W Lift Station at north Express Parking 11/2025-08/2026 - No impact anticipated HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CFDF3B93_DCC2_D887_41E1_E02679764509.toolTip = UTL-189 Terminal D HVAC, Smoke Evac, and BAS Rehabilitation \ uOPIM-00001 \ 04/2026-07/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6CBB275B_59BC_C276_41CA_5E6587C54E65.toolTip = UTL-189 Terminal D HVAC, Smoke Evac, and BAS Rehabilitation 05/2026-10/2027 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A40CEA6F_C115_DCCA_41E3_1030C00AD350.toolTip = UTL-207 Data center and terminal D UPS Replacement \ 06/2024-11/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5077240D_75AE_6D56_41B6_6C14FA6B6F5A.toolTip = UTL-207 Data center and terminal D UPS Replacement \ 06/2024-11/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A392B0CA_C116_CDCA_41CC_B4B847032D1D.toolTip = UTL-207 Data center and terminal D UPS Replacement \ 06/2024-11/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D9D3035C_CD52_F5AB_41A8_9674F69E7E64.toolTip = UTL-207 Nightly Cut-over of UPS Units in Terminal D10 10/2024-10/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DEAE0297_CD52_34A5_41DC_CFADD47BA805.toolTip = UTL-207 Nightly Cutover of UPS Units in Terminal D36 10/2024 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_71774FC7_5942_03D2_41CE_DE4BD2C95542.toolTip = UTL-227 Replace Cooling Tower Condenser Water Piping \ 02/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E7D5BB14_C4D1_2A1E_41E8_540B3FC327F3.toolTip = UTL-228 Replacement 480V Switchgear and sodium Hypochlorite System \ 12/2025-08/2029 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_80D57815_C265_360B_41D6_D9D5F138FC2D.toolTip = UTL-229 Rehabilitate and Convert York Titan Chillers and PCA Controls 6/2025-10/2026 - No anticipated Impact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D79191B7_E987_8204_41C2_73617624C5B7.toolTip = UTL-230 CUP Jet Fuel Piping Line Replacement \ 08/2024-10/2024 \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_41E8AB19_5F27_7485_41C5_6C5F425C2C69.toolTip = UTL-233 Data Center 1 HVAC - BAS and Electrical Rehabilitation 02/2026-10/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DBB425C6_C46A_BEB1_41B3_C0AB54EC5EDF.toolTip = VIZ SIM \ 07/2026-09/2026 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D3D08776_C397_BA3A_41E4_C92E294ED1B1.toolTip = VIZ-SIM \ 01/2025-03/2025 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DA6878CE_C49B_F6B1_41D2_A5394B8B0B1B.toolTip = VIZ-SIM \ 01/2026-03/2026 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UTL-146 || Terminal D Parking Garage Lighting Upgrade Label_D27B6F03_9B81_2466_41C0_94EE6E845214.text = UTL-161 || 1W Lift Station at North Express Parking Label_63312DDB_C29D_4E3F_41C2_F5AFACCC9E2E.text = UTL-189 || Terminal D HVAC, Smoke Evac, and BAS Rehabilitation Label_6BF6C955_784B_2D83_41AF_C15D90F89BE1.text = UTL-207 || Data Center and Terminal D UPS Replacement Label_3DCD52F9_B5F3_4C90_41C2_34B77CEA6C34.text = UTL-211 || Terminal D Grease Trap Rehab Label_A6AC8515_9B83_646E_41CC_648543F7197E.text = UTL-227 || Replace Cooling Tower Condenser Water Piping Label_A7783B6D_C117_FCCA_41DC_1EEE334693BF.text = UTL-228 || Replace 480V Switchgear and Sodium Hypochlorite System Label_C54F8262_9C82_DCDD_41D3_2E30C564710A.text = UTL-229 || Rehabilitate and Convert York Titan Chillers and PCA Controls Label_67285EF0_7CAA_1154_41DD_1C967B5C3C84.text = UTL-230 || CUP Jet Fuel Piping Line Replacement Label_A48164B8_9B83_65A6_41CD_F29184466D72.text = UTL-233 Data Center 1 HVAC - BAS and Electrical Rehabilitation Label_0DD1AF09_1744_0507_41B4_9F5A60B503B2_mobile.text = dolor sit amet, consectetur ### Multiline Text HTMLText_EA4506F7_FDA0_5CF1_41C2_BF883C7259BF.html =
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
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Panorama list:
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consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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john doe
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
HTMLText_3918BF37_0C06_E393_41A1_17CF0ADBAB12_mobile.html =
Panorama list:
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055_mobile.html =
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
HTMLText_93EA0A0B_C9AF_F0D7_41E3_403B1849B5AB.html =

HTMLText_30B4938F_7DFE_37CF_4189_0D96A043E12B.html =
Key Members

Program Director:
Project Manager:

HTMLText_5EF33F4C_7C9E_0F4D_41C6_9A7446B00C68.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Alan Dadian
Project Manager: Mariamma Thomas
Designer: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Contractor: Skye Building Services

HTMLText_67C3CA28_72F4_2306_41C5_7FEC4D8BDD88.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Varsha TiwariPlanning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Muller & Muller, Ltd.
Contractor: Siemens Logistics LLC

HTMLText_6B9D6977_784B_2D8F_41DB_DBF3FEEF9D62.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: William Chu
Planning Project Manager: Jared Payne
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: Critical Electric Systems Group, LLC

HTMLText_5588E7B7_7334_210B_41CF_A132233DDBEC.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Zack Zaharewicz
Planning Project Manager: N/A - TRIP
Designer: LEA & ELLIOT
Contractor: Bombardier Transportation (Holdings) USA Inc.

HTMLText_6AB4BCBB_730C_E77A_41DA_C63EA4B4C3A5.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Zakaria Elhassouni
Planning Project Manager: Pawel Mankowski
Designer: Corgan Associates Inc.
Contractor: Gilbert May, Inc.

HTMLText_67A79782_7877_2489_41CC_845A80F2EC48.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Mashhood Siddiqui
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Inc.
Contractor: Chris Escobedo

HTMLText_351FE3B3_78CD_7C97_41D9_5F0C59893741.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Varsha Tiwari
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Muller & Muller, Ltd.
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E8F41A78_8264_7BFE_41DA_410FCD8BFD10.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: William Chu
Planning Project Manager: Ana Miranda
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_60DE9F0C_7CAA_10CC_41D3_0CAEF190A932.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Veronica Martinez
Planning Project Manager: Kelly Rattan
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_50739D1F_7C6A_30CD_41D6_ED94346E79AA.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Mark Evans
Planning Project Manager: Roxana O'Rourke
Designer: M. Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Contractor: HCBeck, LTD

HTMLText_598E4326_7875_DD95_41D3_01097C257EAD.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Luis Marrero
Designer: Corgan Associates Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2D3A3883_7DE6_11B6_41D3_20FD0B1C1636.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Alan Dadian
Project Manager: Mariamma Thomas
Planning Project Manager: Not Assigned
Designer: 8500347 – IEA, Inc.
Contractor: Holt Construction Corp.

HTMLText_49D00554_7D9E_3353_41A0_68C5C6C533BB.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Eric Flagg
Planning Project Manager: Abhijit Joshi
Designer: TERRACON
Contractor: Chamberlin Dallas, LLC.

HTMLText_C08FC537_82BC_2967_41DD_F18A08BF2857.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Eric Flagg
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Ghafari Associates, LLC
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_4E9FC315_7C66_F0DD_41D0_680689B4A70F.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jason Ewing
Planning Project Manager: Jennifer Kiesel
Designer: Gresham Smith
Contractor: Gilber May, Inc.

HTMLText_38041653_7DA6_3155_41B3_6255D802BE66.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Marco Alanis
Planning Project Manager: Jared Payne
Designer: Corgan Associates Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A4FBA379_C175_CCCB_41CF_5910DF8688F3.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jeff Windsor
Planning Project Manager: Roxana O'Rourke
Designer: Terracon
Contractor: Supreme Systems, Inc.

HTMLText_3E06069D_7DAA_11CD_41AB_F8864A6783D1.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Paresh Parikh
Designer: H. W. Lochner, Inc.
Contractor: Synergy Signs & Services, LLC.

HTMLText_42347ACB_7DA6_11B5_418D_6268E5F50B28.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Veronica Martinez
Planning Project Manager: Greg Royster
Designer: Atkins North America, Inc.
Contractor: Archer Western Construction, LLC.

HTMLText_439EB470_7DAE_3153_41C5_1B96684AC94E.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Veronica Martinez
Planning Project Manager: Greg Royster
Designer: Garver, LLC
Contractor: Archer Western Construction, LLC.

HTMLText_62BD14F3_784C_E486_41D4_A67831958934.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jeff Windsor
Planning Project Manager: Chris Nilles
Designer: Corgan Associates, Inc.
Contractor: J.E. Dunn Construction Company

HTMLText_52131948_7314_6105_41D9_6DAF1F7382E7.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Muller & Muller, Ltd.
Contractor: Azteca Enterprises, LLC

HTMLText_EF91CD39_8264_797C_41D5_9364432BE54B.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Varsha Tiwari
Planning Project Manager: Jared Payne
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F4A53C20_83AC_5F0B_41CF_D43DBB7EE198.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: William Chu
Planning Project Manager: Sarahi Barrios
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_29335F9B_6A93_A5A8_41D1_C8D9A3284985.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Alan Dadian
Project Manager: Mano Pydipelly
Planning Project Manager: James Fuller
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_B8DA1BE3_9B81_63B0_41D1_E86F05D506A6.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Alan Dadian
Project Manager: TBD
Planning Project Manager: Robbie Terrell
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FD92C464_83AD_EF0A_41D0_921D6704FF46.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Andrew Kulatunga
Planning Project Manager: Mikel Hernandez
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_0AD8AECA_839C_DB19_41BA_97555EF0C59C.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Anthony Andrews
Planning Project Manager: Alana Hosey
Designer: Corgan Associates Inc.
Contractor: H.C. Beck, LTD.

HTMLText_08C68EB5_83EC_3B0B_4185_1C308E973592.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Anthony Andrews
Planning Project Manager: Alana Hosey
Designer: Corgan Associates, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BF7E87A2_9B81_23B0_41D9_029A68D8869A.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Anthony Andrews
Planning Project Manager: Alana Hosey
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_147E56A8_83E4_6B18_41B8_9385DE6A2EBE.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Eric Flagg
Planning Project Manager: Jared Payne
Designer: EXP
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BE90EDAD_9B81_27B0_41D4_574406BBD196.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jason Ewing
Planning Project Manager: Kayla Verros
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A1A64EA4_9B82_E5AF_41C6_AC35F50FDF4C.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jeff Windsor
Planning Project Manager: Jared Payne
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_B411EB31_9B81_6C90_41DA_E91EADB2D260.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Marco Alanis
Planning Project Manager: Kayla Verros
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9E6C6BDE_82E2_BF54_41BB_5661D4D01723.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Marco Alanis
Planning Project Manager: Robbie Terrell
Designer: AERO Systems Engineering, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9976B5B2_82E2_8BE8_41D1_B132CB7E5DCC.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Mark Evans
Planning Project Manager: Alana Hosey
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9E07467D_82E6_8954_41CD_6C8C777B7500.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Muller & Muller
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_035DADFF_83A4_58F6_41D1_463B5ADE3B32.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Luis Marrero
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_0558BA7A_83A4_7BF9_41DC_F244483156BA.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Sanket Naik
Planning Project Manager: Sarahi Barrios
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9EC21BFF_82E2_9F54_41D2_FFABEB8C042B.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Varsha Tiwari
Planning Project Manager: Roxana O'Rourke
Designer: Terracon
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BF9AF2D6_9B83_3D93_41E0_6B6EEBF64BC4.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: William Chu
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A73DFD95_82E6_9BAE_4170_45FC3F2CD521.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BFB871FD_9B83_DF90_41D7_B92CE08B6BDA.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jacob Elias
Planning Project Manager: Lynn Rowland
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_B8CCA593_9B82_E791_41BA_5F18B5BAE5E5.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Rabaa Gabrial
Planning Project Manager: Kelly Rattan
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_55527E42_33EA_5EB2_41C8_3F6919FFDD5B.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdulrahman Al khammash
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: Austin, Azteca, Alpha and Omega JV (DB)
Contractor: Austin, Azteca, Alpha and Omega JV (DB)

HTMLText_06E97619_B575_7772_41E4_B0DD0263847D.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Alan Dadian
Project Manager: TBD
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A49744D6_9B83_65EB_41E1_B73643FC9BF3.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: William Chu
Planning Project Manager: Justin Edwards
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FA9C8B21_B827_A52F_41AC_CAFED467EE05.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Abel Saldana
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: Muller & Muller, Ltd.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A4675D9F_9B81_679B_41A1_CE25714DE551.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Eric Flagg
Planning Project Manager: jared Payne
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_379BA145_B5D2_CDF7_41E3_7BD76BF7A549.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jason Ewing
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Muller & Muller, Ltd.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_23C8EAE1_AB1B_A8B6_41D7_A26817FF8769.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jeff Windsor
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Muller & Muller, Ltd.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_08405E10_A09B_5571_41D7_EF45FA62F142.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Jeff Windsor
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_C550327C_9C82_DCA5_41DE_8214CD47FC15.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Marco Alanis
Planning Project Manager: Kelly Rattan
Designer: Ghafari Associates, LLC
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_C10B3AA6_9B81_6DA2_41DE_094C14B9993C.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Mashhood Siddiqui
Planning Project Manager: Abhijit Joshi
Designer: Burn Engineering, Inc.
Contractor: Texas Aviation Builders JV

HTMLText_3DE94323_B5F3_4DB1_41E3_B844349D8DE7.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Jared Payne
Designer: Ghafari Associates, LLC
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A7612BF6_C117_F3C6_41E1_9BC1934828F7.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Kelly Rattan
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A6BED534_9B83_64AE_41C8_63F34CDFEC7D.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Kelly Rattan
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FEBE6743_B52D_75FD_41A2_12915D7BBEEB.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Nishant Gupta
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Gresham Smith
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F053A929_9C87_2CAF_41D3_C4CE156650E0.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Tyler Mackey
Planning Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Inc.
Contractor: Skye Building Services

HTMLText_E7C309A0_9C81_EC59_41D2_5CDD9394F65E.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Varsha Tiwari
Planning Project Manager: Roxana O'Rourke
Designer: Terracon
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_63362DE5_C29D_4E0B_41E0_399FFAA97958.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: William Chu
Planning Project Manager: Justin Edwards
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F833E50F_B8E4_62F1_41D5_A7186B2E5947.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Eduardo Reyes
Planning Project Manager: Pradnya More
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_D26F5F19_9B81_2462_4194_551B3BB541CF.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Eli Riederer
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2B2944B4_B52D_54AD_41CA_056487ED3BBE.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Eli Riederer
Planning Project Manager: Greg Royster
Designer: Garver, LLC
Contractor: Ragle Inc.

HTMLText_06FBC5E6_B575_74DE_41D2_38D214A1A4DA.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A7716B92_C117_FC5E_41D4_F1ADEE0950B7.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E44C3985_B555_5D7B_41E3_3304450A8404.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FE5696E6_B52D_7484_41DF_D892057ED746.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_3784611B_B5D2_CD93_41E5_5A4E2C629BB3.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9AF8AA38_C0DA_9BA2_41E4_8D216740001E.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2FD724D3_B537_54EE_41B3_EA4224B89A46.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2B39D491_B52D_4B67_41E3_30FC4F9A3189.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F80AC4AF_B8E4_6332_41D7_AFB7D39D2BA0.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_3DFE5301_B5F3_4D70_41C6_0F982E83AF9A.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_0D3BF25D_B55F_4FE7_41DA_B49502635E29.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FA802AF7_B827_A713_41BB_0251AD1443DB.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F9C06F9B_B81C_5D12_41D3_EC6599B95DB5.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_37BFA702_B532_F56D_41BD_B98F7B100451.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_22A5F012_AB3C_7795_41E1_BA67D601B94D.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jackie Cato-Carter
Planning Project Manager: Pradnya More
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_0CCDB276_B55F_4FA5_41DD_363A82E693F3.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Jacob Elias
Planning Project Manager: Pradnya More
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_22185476_AB2C_7F9D_41E0_41907E72BF2B.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Karim (Omar) Seif
Planning Project Manager: Mikel Hernandez
Designer: Criado & Associates, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F9F26FC0_B81C_5D6E_41AB_BC7832BB31A3.html =
Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: TBD
Planning Project Manager: Lynn Rowland
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2C240A7D_AB1B_AB8F_41DC_529332EC756D.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdullah Sayed
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_220C9447_AB2C_7FFB_41CE_2D00FA140FA1.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdullah Sayed
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_3EFA2F1A_A099_7371_41E0_818A4F82D1A5.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdullah Sayed
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2FC7B4FD_B537_549B_41D0_7C1F38AEF9B2.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdullah Sayed
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: Gresham Smith
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E044B030_9C83_7CB9_41E2_65817AA0EDD0.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdullah Sayed
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E0492C3F_9C83_24A7_41DA_49E0741B868F.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdullah Sayed
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E45F29B3_B555_5C9F_41D2_237E1BAD8602.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Gelacio Arias
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9A944A92_C0DA_9B66_41E5_EEAACBB6C0CA.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Jose Moz
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: M. Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Contractor: Suffolk-3i, LLC JV

HTMLText_37AD872C_B532_F5B5_4191_7700F06D2C91.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Whitney Broussard
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK)
Contractor: Suffolk-3i JV (CMAR)

HTMLText_06A83100_B556_CD58_41E2_D112B7D53D3F.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E0494050_9C83_7CF8_41C9_C8F1221D4208.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_37A83717_B532_F593_41D2_DAB9F234CE92.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_37A69709_B532_F57F_4199_3512479570A9.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E0B2EC46_9C83_24D9_41BA_3D9C6BE01A8B.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_3057BA8E_7DE6_11CF_41D1_8585F6D67029.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E0B45C57_9C83_24E7_41CC_38DAEAC7B680.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_98158218_DA8B_E12A_41B7_54973837CE1D.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E04EE03C_9C83_7CA9_41D6_8A39AF0A7EC1.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_3EF8BF21_A099_7353_41DD_F5949E62EF55.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_63433DF8_C29D_49F9_41E0_7E7A608498B0.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_37ED4158_B5D2_CD9D_41AF_3982869C82BC.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_3DF68317_B5F3_4D91_41E2_7F77A684A302.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2C2A4A9E_AB1B_A88A_41E5_3EC83702175E.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_3DF4F309_B5F3_4D71_4187_2CF3964BB9B7.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0CC88272_B55F_4FBD_41CF_F39F62C3AEDF.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E7DE79A7_9C81_EFA7_41D1_2E15D38203D5.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0B914E5D_A09B_55F3_41E2_DEBC8E7B9CBA.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A6BBE53B_9B83_649B_41E0_C3F2015F4F13.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_23D62ACC_AB1B_A88E_41CA_863301C554AF.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_4E99931C_7C66_F0D3_41D7_15552AB04E11.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2F3B5503_B537_556F_41E2_484B17D78087.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_23C19AF8_AB1B_A896_41B7_462CEDD4321F.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0877EE29_A09B_5553_41DB_CE6629A63707.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BF74A7A9_9B81_23B0_41CF_FD9AFCBD8FDF.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_FE49E6FE_B52D_7487_41D3_334CDFE49767.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_633B9DEB_C29D_4E1F_41E0_1914CBB07921.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_23EA7B29_AB1B_A9B6_41BC_D3586C355E85.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A6B4D547_9B83_64EA_41E3_54F51EDF3FFD.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_F9EE9FB0_B81C_5D2E_41DA_43FAA22E7C83.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_3EE27F2D_A099_7353_41D4_FEB366336B5B.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0CC3A265_B55F_4FA7_41E3_5B35E8401DF4.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_9E0F1683_82E6_89AC_417F_FE2FD0FE37EA.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_FA9EFB0B_B827_A6F3_41DC_605A8E41BB66.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_5EF1CF53_7C9E_0F54_41DD_88A2271693C3.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_F9F88FA2_B81C_5D32_41DC_3D5FF1D60DF7.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_B8D09BFB_9B81_6390_41D0_9EEC2173D609.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E441A98E_B555_5C89_41A0_C0CF37DA4E96.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2B2BF4A4_B52D_54AD_41A1_63601CDAF60E.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BF6AB7CA_9B81_23F0_41D0_ABE326630D56.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A735BD9B_82E6_9BDA_41D8_B8A4A9FD9778.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A1B2B750_9B83_64E6_41AE_E905AB0AA0AC.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BAAD59B6_9B81_2F93_41AF_5EAF74A4D772.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_D2634F2C_9B81_24A2_41C5_9DCC1C388E17.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_FE43F72D_B52D_7585_41AD_76BAD5A6991D.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E458499B_B555_5C8F_41D5_372B04A5228C.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_F83C54F8_B8E4_631E_41DA_EC0B1801E6DD.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A7744BA9_C117_FC4A_41D2_320744447BAC.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BE883DB4_9B81_2790_41D8_4D2D057AB6A5.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_06E375EC_B575_74D2_41E2_890AA22F5406.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_43902477_7DAE_315D_41B6_EE0F90F29D0B.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_B8F0A5A5_9B82_E7B0_41D9_669D74AFDDFE.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E45CD9B9_B555_5C8B_41CA_B2CB589851DD.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_FEB5175A_B52D_758F_4197_2458883C6E2A.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_F80244C7_B8E4_6371_41DD_7040CD41CEB3.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_C105DAB9_9B81_6DA1_41D5_EA4C3019B7CD.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_3794D14B_B5D2_CDF2_41C8_02609625CEC8.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_06EAA603_B575_7756_41E2_B0D858E85E11.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_D2697F20_9B81_24A2_41E0_090872C55DC4.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_B8F67599_9B82_E791_41DF_BF4D7AE3423C.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E45419C5_B555_5CFB_41DD_92DFE540F3B8.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A76F8BDF_C117_F3C6_41E2_D7CB7A7F75F5.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_F060393C_9C87_2CA5_41BB_B97F8500619B.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BE81FDC1_9B81_27F0_4157_203F746CBA1D.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_49D9A55A_7D9E_3357_41D3_E4E994736CD3.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_06EBA61F_B575_776E_41E2_49C9165722C3.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0CD0A288_B55F_4F6D_41E1_37F1123D0B44.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_F069892F_9C87_2CA3_41A3_216BDCD5302C.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_C55D8282_9C82_DC5D_41C4_585107AEB0FE.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2FCFA4DC_B537_5498_41CB_56C885EBD094.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2B31C497_B52D_4B6B_41C2_A9BEC8A7D211.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0690062B_B575_7756_41DF_5A51497F2439.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A75B4C0D_C117_F44A_416A_E18F43BB13FF.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_30BFE39A_7DFE_37D1_41B5_5A261CA80200.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0CC8827C_B55F_4FA5_41D9_566AEC992090.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_50486D25_7C6A_30FD_4192_8619CFCD0337.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2213545A_AB2C_7F95_41E4_468FE556F4DC.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2FC224E6_B537_54A9_41E5_B84960CA7ABD.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_B4135B37_9B81_6C90_41D1_259C2CC6A5C2.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2B2AB4BA_B52D_54A5_4187_A306108D8A02.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_B4695B43_9B81_6CF0_41D1_984DA578DCFD.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_3797112F_B5D2_CDB3_41E6_145542E4700F.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_9EC72C06_82E2_98B4_41E0_42ECF814D080.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_C564828E_9C82_DC65_417B_631EAAB761BE.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_66037F21_7CAA_10F5_41CA_76D0A5AAD58D.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0346AE06_83A4_5B16_41AC_32E57DA27B77.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_EAF1726A_829C_6B12_41CB_B105CC32B24A.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_220FE44D_AB2C_7F8F_41C2_51FDD652DCB2.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A1B97744_9B83_64EE_41C5_D51EC288DBA8.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_FA98EAFD_B827_A717_41E0_99D75CF6B9AA.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_C08DF53E_82BC_2969_41CF_3324FE0B8D9F.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_9AE2DA7E_C0DA_9B9E_41C6_CC334EB0A14E.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2F33650F_B537_5578_419C_13568D0331D3.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A7546C43_C117_F43E_41C5_08A302AF650F.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_1477B6AE_83E4_6B18_41CB_698F041387A9.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_9AF20A50_C0DA_9BE2_41E4_62C635CC3072.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_2B2284C6_B52D_54ED_41D6_24731060C2C9.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E82AD4A2_8264_6F12_4180_C0EC975BF503.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A46A0DA6_9B81_67AD_41D6_C129427CD9B4.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_08CDFEBC_83EC_3B79_41A7_D7EFB6E24212.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_F4A3BC2C_83AC_5F1B_41BF_2C5CE3B00DB0.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_0AD0FED1_839C_DB0B_41B4_8DE3A725957E.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_FEAEB78B_B52D_748D_41D7_589F62F016D8.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_379D4122_B5D2_CDAD_41DE_535912B52513.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BA87B3C4_9B83_E3F7_41DB_22A22167C9C0.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_C10D6AAD_9B81_6DA6_41C7_55A1BD6BCE0E.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BF8032E7_9B83_3DB0_41D7_7C51F5FD3AFC.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A46CCDB2_9B81_67A4_41E1_8814B72B3C6F.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_9978A5C9_82E2_8BB9_41C4_A969F82DE1FD.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_9ABD1AD2_C0DA_98E6_41DC_BAAF332C3D14.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BA9B83CF_9B83_E3F1_419E_5CD60C05AB1A.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A1AC5EB8_9B82_E5A7_41DC_83D7CEB51CAA.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E7D8F9B4_9C81_EFB9_41C3_3804D4996F67.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_A1A36EAA_9B82_E5BB_41D7_C59B9C6FBBB3.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_9A938AA7_C0DA_98AE_41B8_738BBACD2F65.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_BF9842DC_9B83_3D97_41E1_CF1C9F58E5B0.html =
Key Members
AVP: -
Program Director: Varsha Tiwari
Project Manager: Wendell King
Designer: Corgan Associates, Muller & Muller, Ltd., HNTB Corporation
Contractor: FS 360

HTMLText_E82B549C_8264_6F36_41C9_B23EA6D4829E.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: Amber Jones
Planning Project Manager: Alana Hosey
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2FCE64E3_B537_54A8_41DB_9D10E3A4B6DC.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9A84AABD_C0DA_98A2_41A5_2C5A5ADA4655.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_37A26711_B532_F56F_41D4_CC979F9A069D.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_23FA1B14_AB1B_A99E_41E1_248112ECB37C.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_0CCC526B_B55F_4FA3_41E5_9CE4C2CD1866.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A1A13EB1_9B82_E5A9_41C0_88A30CA04E11.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_0CD7A282_B55F_4F5D_41D7_E3FD7448B2C5.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FEB00774_B52D_759B_41CF_CFBFA0BE89E2.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F807C4E0_B8E4_632E_41D3_F15D81BA64EA.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E0B0CC51_9C83_24FB_41CD_5F1E71129EC8.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E4450994_B555_5C99_41DF_77F781464653.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BA9F63CA_9B83_E3F3_41C6_15099199D40A.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_23DC6AB5_AB1B_A89E_41E3_E9F8406F0C99.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_9AEA6A67_C0DA_9BAE_41DD_386921FD5456.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_08663E45_A09B_55D3_41D9_2D1896E0312E.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_22101453_AB2C_7F9B_41E4_F612F61D0EB2.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_06EC4625_B575_7752_41C1_573AC7AA0D05.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_C1010AB3_9B81_6DA1_41D1_1DC8BA3D0B81.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_06E755FC_B575_74B2_41E1_82E1EC4B3D72.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E45299BF_B555_5C87_41DC_35C760C5D6B9.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E04C0042_9C83_7CD9_41B1_FA93C7F37DC3.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_B8F4F59F_9B82_E791_41D1_CF754B78D741.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F9F49FA9_B81C_5D3E_41E4_6EC6D7396E4E.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2B2DC49E_B52D_549D_41E2_70D1021EDB3A.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BAA969AE_9B81_2FB3_41C6_1C02BB92A736.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_3EE67F27_A099_735F_41C3_05F8938FD7AD.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2F3E6507_B537_5577_41DE_37649CA806E9.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FE44D716_B52D_7587_41D5_65F84E7D9E85.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_FA9AFB04_B827_A6F5_41C0_9C774DA429EB.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A1BF974A_9B83_64FA_41E1_AA728903ED8C.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BF9C52E1_9B83_3DB0_41D7_91696D6F33EE.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_D2676F26_9B81_24AE_41DF_425A1E1AA1E1.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_E7DC69AD_9C81_EFAB_41C7_05717112BC16.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_3DF2D310_B5F3_4D6F_41E0_0EA88ACD8BC6.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_633C5DF2_C29D_4E09_41E6_6563B45911C6.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_2B27A4C0_B52D_54E5_41C6_BB66624542DC.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A6B93541_9B83_64E7_41C4_6A5478A1317B.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_F0646936_9C87_2CA5_41E2_179D10482015.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BF7687C3_9B81_23F0_41E0_8CBFEF50BF66.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_37991129_B5D2_CDBF_41B8_154B5B2D6EB4.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A76B7BC1_C117_FC3A_41D8_1281621960DC.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_BE84DDBA_9B81_2790_41B4_F9B346C9F55D.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_37910152_B5D2_CDED_41B6_8D7222FDBB4A.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A75D5C25_C117_F47A_41CF_363609A02DE2.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_B415BB3D_9B81_6C90_41D4_99BB4904F834.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_A46EFDAC_9B81_67BC_41E2_ADF9FF7036B2.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_C5598288_9C82_DC6D_41C4_DFCECD1897F7.html =
Key Members
AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Wade Lansdell Strong
Project Manager: Anmar Hamad
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_48759D2C_7C6E_30F3_41C4_8451195D7985.html =
Key Members
AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Isidro de Allende
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: M. Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Contractor: DSG Build

HTMLText_91641D88_DA8B_2329_41D9_C39562D3F308.html =
Key Members
AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Christopher Robison
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: Austin Bridge and Road, LP

HTMLText_304C4A88_7DE6_11B3_41DB_84CD1C1245FE.html =
Key Members
AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Christopher Robison
Designer: RS&H, Inc.
Contractor: Reyes TX, Inc

HTMLText_0694A0F0_B556_CCB8_41E1_A42A05DCA9A9.html =
Key Members
AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdulrahman Alkhammash
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: Austin, Azteca, Alpha and Omega JV (DB)
Contractor: Austin, Azteca, Alpha and Omega JV (DB)

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Key Members

AVP: -
Program Director: -
Project Manager: -
Planning Project Manager: -
Designer: -
Contractor: -

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Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Tom Defant
Project Manager: William Chu
Planning Project Manager: Jared Payne
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_25D49943_39FC_1CA3_41B3_C107148F4E1B.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Gavin Mellor
Project Manager: Chris Brim
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: Innovation Next+
Contractor: Innovation Next+

HTMLText_17FAE455_3A7C_14A4_419B_2DEE4E32D9F4.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Gavin Mellor
Project Manager: Chris Robison
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: Ghafari Associates
Contractor: TBD

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Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Gavin Mellor
Project Manager: Emad Soliman
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: Ghafari Associates
Contractor: TBD

HTMLText_0E17A4D3_3AC4_15BF_4177_A9B8D474D9C2.html =
Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Gavin Mellor
Project Manager: Emad Soliman
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: Corgan Associates
Contractor: TBD

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Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Gavin Mellor
Project Manager: Emad Soliman
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: Muller & Muller, Ltd.
Contractor: TBD

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Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Gavin Mellor
Project Manager: Vivek Khanna
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

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Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Ghassan Joudi
Project Manager: Abdullah Sayed
Planning Project Manager: Dana Perez
Designer: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK)
Contractor: TBD

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Key Members

AVP: Fabian Cornelious
Program Director: Alan Dadian
Poject Manager: Vivek Khanna
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: TBD
Contractor: TBD

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Key Members

AVP: Felipe Cruz Calderon
Program Director: Gavin Mellor
Project Manager: Vivek Khanna
Planning Project Manager: Dillon Pettyjohn
Designer: Ghafari Associates, LLC
Contractor: TBD

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Operational Impact

High: Parking, Road closures, Detours, passenger experiences and Wayfinding.

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High: pre-planning must be in place to prevent a significant impact on the travelers' journey
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High: pre-planning must be in place to prevent a significant impact on the travelers' journey
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Operational Impact

Moderate: re-routing or temporary measures will result in extra time for the travelers' journey

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Project Description

Airfield Pavement Remediation 2023, continuation of AFD-141 with various remediation across the entirety of the airfield mainly consisting of taxiway and runway repairs.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

Project will rehabilitate stormwater deficiencies at four (4) locations.
The following locations were found within the last year and are causing flooding and extensive deterioration of parking lot and roadway pavements:
CSS 151 – 23rd Street and W. Airfield Dr
CSS 172 – Parking lot of Skylink Maintenance Facility
CSS 173 – South bound International Parkway south of Crossunder no.1
CSS 175 – Bus ramp in the North Bound of International Parkway – near the South Toll Plaza

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Secure passenger airside concourse level connector from Terminal C and Terminal E.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The main purpose of the project is to upgrade Terminal C’s systems and the dated interior to extend the life of the facility another 30 years, consistent with current industry and customer service standards. Code, life safety, and accessibility items will be addressed, as well as improvements made to the overall functional and operational flows for passengers and employees.

Delivery method
Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR)
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Project Description

The project encompasses the design for the expansion to the existing Central Utility Plant (CUP).
DFW''s existing Central Utility Plant has reached its maximum capacity and lacks redundancy.
Expansion to the Central Utility Plant will provide the additional needed heating and cooling to
meet current and future demand and redundancy. The plant expansion will be located on a landside
site between International parkway.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project covers several areas including the following: 1. The carpet needs to be removed and replaced on the Terminal B to Terminal A pedestrian bridge, and the Term-B North & South Skylink Stations at the platform level . 2. At Terminal D there are approximately 50 common break room areas that need the counter tops and cabinets removed and replaced. 3. At Terminal D The mill work around the kiosks, information desk, cabinets and columns in the CBP area of Terminal D, as well as the office carpeting, are in need of replacement / refurbishment. 4. At Terminal D The luggage storage cabinets at the land side baggage claim areas of Terminal D are in need of replacement / refurbishment.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project is the initial phase of a larger project to do rehabilitation and improvements to the employee lot at 1W. This project is to improve the surface and reconfigure the southern portion of 1W parking lot to increase the parking spaces by approximately 220 spaces. This project will include crack sealing, removing and replacing failed pavement, surface sealing and repainting the lot with reconfigured spaces.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project is to rehabilitate two entrance driveways at the Terminal C Hyatt Regency Hotel. The driveways are to be identified as: Main Lobby Entrance and the Parking Garage Entrance Ramp. The driveways were built in 1978 as part of the overall construction of the hotel and parking garage and appear to be of mostly cast-in-place concrete construction. A conditional and visual assessment was administered by ETAM with its structural consultant, Consor Engineers, LLC (Consor) in November 2022. The Condition Assessment confirmed both driveways are severely distressed with the presence of deep void activity below the pavement slabs; rotated outward retaining walls; open expansion joints; severe cracks on the retaining walls; and a bulge pavement slab collapse. The Parking Garage Entrance Driveway Ramp has been assessed to be structurally unsound and since been closed under the advisement of Consor.

This project will make improvements to the stability of the wall footers, new backfill, and roadway pavement will allow the retaining walls to remain in place.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project submittal seeks approval to reconstruct Employee Parking Lot 1W due to deteriorating pavement conditions and the need to accommodate the projected growth in employee parking demand. Planning has commissioned a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) assessment (2021), conducted by professional engineering consultants, IEA Inc., that has confirmed the need to reconstruct and rehabilitate the entire parking lot. The parking lot configuration will enhance the employee experience by reducing the walk distances to the bus stops, enhancing circulation within the lot to minimize time spent looking for a parking spot, and enhance safety and security through improved lighting and dynamic signage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Airfield Ramp Efficiencies infields • Terminal A-North • Terminal A-South • Terminal B-South • Terminal C-South • Terminal E-South • Terminal F-South (and not sure we can announce this one yet).

Delivery Method
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Project Description

In order to provide additional space for tenants in the Terminal E South area, DFW Operations has vacated their office suite in Terminal E and will consolidate into the old AOC/EOC (Building #24182), now known as the Airfield Operations building. Multiple phases of building rehabilitation and consolidation include:

- MEP, fire safety, ITS full refresh and fit-out
- HVAC cooling towers replacement
- CRAC units replacement
- Remodel two bathrooms
- Full electrical buildout/refresh
- Security doors and cameras for AOA boundary
- Architectural fit-out and full FFE package

This scop was originally apart of TFD-015 Terminal E Regonfigration Project.

Delivery Method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Modular construction of greenfield Terminal F concourse with 15 new narrow body common use gates. The building will provide the modern technologies and amenities for an enhaced customer experience. The project will also feature civil work inclusive of apron and fueling system. A new Skylink Station and connector to the Terminal will also be required.

Delivery Method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This F Dock is intended to provide a logistics & distribution center for the Concession located in Terminal F. The size of the single store, high bay building is approximately 100'x200' with an area of approximately 20,000 square feet. The building will be connected to an underground tunnel system will be by others. The Bag Building is intended to sort the incoming baggage Handling System will be by others. The size of the two story, high bay building is approximately 200'x250' for a total of 100,000 square feet. The building will be connected to an undergroung tunnel system which will be connected to Terminal F. The Lower Floor will align with the Tunnel floor elevation. The upper floor elevation will be determined by BHS height requirements of the Lower Floor and the existing roadway elevations.

Delivery Method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project consists of the replacement or renovation of Terminal C parking garages and associated roadways. A new Garage C is required to replace the existing garage which is at the end of its useful life. Work on the refurbishments for Garages A and B will include miscellaneous structural repairs

Delivery Method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will design and construct a Pier extension at Terminal C and renovate the Phase 1 portion of the Terminal C via a Design Build contract. Terminal C Pier constructs a new 115,000 SF, 9 Gates (net increase of 4 gates) pier at the South Skylink Station and the first phase of the existing terminal will be renovated.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will design and construct new hardstand locations to support current operations and continued airline growth at DFW. The hardstands will be a combination of efficiently using available areas in the Central Terminal Area (CTA) ramps as well as installing new airfield pavement. In total, this effort will add at least 18 narrowbody and 7 widebody aircraft parking positions at various locations around the airport. The project will also provide adequate storage space for support equipment and the relocation of existing services impacted by this project.

Delivery Method
Design Bid Build (DBB)

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Project Description

This project will include an expansion of Terminal E of approximately 100,000 to 120,000 SF.

Delivery Method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project will include design and construction of additional gate lounge space to support enhanced Terminal D bussing operations.

Delivery Method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project will include design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a new Bags, Good & Trash Transportation System (B
GTTS) to transport baggage, goods, and trash to/from DFW's new Terminal F Concourse.

Delivery Method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will include processing modifications throughout the existing Terminal E, airline reallocation, update ticketing, update security checkpoints, restroom E38, update public exit E37 and Up-gauge airfield and interior concourse to convert 8RJ to 6NB gates. The oriject will update and reconfigure (as needed) areas impacted from the airline reallocation.

Delivery Method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will provide a culvert or tunnel connecting Terminal E to future Terminal F to facilitate baggage movement and connecting utilities. The project also includes stabilization of the area near future Terminal F (demolition and restoration of parking area) and COBUS relocation.

Delivery Method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

"The Energy Plaza serves as the central heating and cooling source for facilities within the Central Terminal Area. Originally constructed in 1971 and last renovated during the 2005 CDP, the goal is to prolong the operational lifespan of the equipment, minimize unscheduled outages due to aging, and enhance the environmental sustainability of the boiler system secondary fueling operations.

The Energy Plaza's significance within the Airport's infrastructure necessitates timely rehabilitation of the secondary fueling piping to prevent unexpected failures that could disrupt services and result in emergency expenses. The boilers provide heat to the terminals and operate on the primary fuel supply of natural gas supplied by Atmos. Atmos has the authority to disengage the airport from the natural gas supply whenever their system output is close to being exceeded. September 1st is the beginning of the fuel oil system critical maintenance and preparations for winter weather. As such, this rehabilitation will be required to be completed no later than August 1, 2024. This past January 2024, the airport was disengaged by Atmos from the natural gas primary fueling system and shifted operations to the secondary fuel oil supply. This resulted in operating the boilers on the secondary fuel supply for 4-5 days.


This project will replace the piping from the Central Utility Plant JP8 pump skid to the boiler distribution system, as existing pipe has developed a leak underground. A pressure test determined the leak is on the return piping to the storage tank from the boiler room. In 2022, a leak on the supply piping was rehabilitated and a satisfactory pressure test performed prior to startup. An evaluation of the current piping condition and system piping re-route, will be performed.

There are several utility lines in the area of the underground JP8 piping. The Consultant will be responsible for identifying said utility lines. Minimum scope to be performed includes but is not limited to below:

1. Site walkthrough
2. Inspection of supply and return piping to gauge the best route of the new line. Consultant to work with Contractor to provide most efficient method to perform this evaluation.
3. Consultant to perform Design of new line per concurrence with ETAM staff for review and acceptance prior to commencing work.

Management and Construction services to replace the piping from the Central Utility Plant JP8 pump skid to the boiler distribution system, as existing pipe has developed a leak underground. An evaluation of the current piping condition and system piping re-route will be performed prior to construction and collaboration with Consultant performing design and ETAM staff is required.

There are several utility lines in the area of the underground JP8 piping. The Contractor will be responsible for identifying utilities prior to any digging or drilling. Minimum scope to be performed includes but is not limited to below:

1. Site walkthrough
2. Support work performed by Consultant during inspection of supply and return piping to gauge best route of new line, and to provide the most efficient method to perform the work.
3. Contractor will complete work per Design provided by Consultant in concurrence from ETAM.
4. Contractor personnel will be responsible for cleanup and disposal of all waste generated on site by the contractor to the satisfaction of the airport’s Environmental Affairs Department.
5. Contractor will be responsible for obtaining a DFW airport permit.
6. Work will not be required to be commissioned but will be required to be inspected by DFW’s Code and Compliance Department.
7. To meet the functional operation deadline of August 1, 2024, work is approved for 24/7 operations until complete"

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

As a result of the FY23, Grease Interceptor Systems Engineering Evaluation for Terminals A, B, and E, this project will rehabilitate these systems that are comprised of grease wastewater interceptors, lift stations, and piping.
The grease wastewater systems are determined to be in an overall poor condition, with several components in a critical state as follows:

A. Grease Interceptors:
The grease interceptors are in poor physical condition internally, with many of them exhibiting several critical issues, including:
• Missing inlet and outlet standpipes.
• Broken tee-pipes.
• Deteriorated baffles.
• Improper installation with piping installed backward on one grease interceptor.
Without the necessary rehabilitation of the identified issues, the deteriorating grease interceptor system will continue to fail to effectively collect grease, resulting in the induction of substantial amounts of grease into the Sanitary Sewer System. As a result of this illicit discharge, the airport incurs a surcharge penalty by the Trinity River Authority (TRA).
In addition, it was found that eight (8) grease interceptors are currently undersized for their usage load. This can be attributed to the addition of concessionaires and restaurants connecting into the grease waste system and the increased passenger traffic in the terminals.

B. Grease Lift Station:
Overall, the lift stations are in poor condition. Many lift stations have several issues, such as:
• Corrosion in the basins.
• Incorrectly sized for the application.
• Having oversized pumps.
• Lift stations failed communication and integration with the building automation.

C. Grease Piping:
The grease waste piping in all terminals has many issues, including:
• Missing insulation.
• Extensive heat tracing has been removed or damaged.
• Improperly sloped pipe.

Missing or damaged insulation and heat tracing allow grease wastewater to solidify in the piping prior to reaching the grease interceptor. This creates reduced flow in the piping, leading to grease wastewater to backup into concession spaces and adjacent areas.
Based on the findings, the following is required:
• Replace eight (8) undersized grease interceptors.
• Rehabilitated the interior of seventeen (17) grease interceptors.
• Replace a total of twenty-five (25) grease wastewater lift stations and their associated components, including connectivity to the DFW EIOS for remote monitoring and control.

As a result of the FY23, Grease Interceptor Systems Engineering Evaluation for Terminals A, B, and E, this project will rehabilitate these systems that are comprised of grease wastewater interceptors, lift stations, and piping.
The grease wastewater systems are determined to be in an overall poor condition, with several components in a critical state as follows:
A. Grease Interceptors:
The grease interceptors are in poor physical condition internally, with many of them exhibiting several critical issues, including:
• Missing inlet and outlet standpipes.
• Broken tee-pipes.
• Deteriorated baffles.
• Improper installation with piping installed backward on one grease interceptor.

Without the necessary rehabilitation of the identified issues, the deteriorating grease interceptor system will continue to fail to effectively collect grease, resulting in the induction of substantial amounts of grease into the Sanitary Sewer System. As a result of this illicit discharge, the airport incurs a surcharge penalty by the Trinity River Authority (TRA).
In addition, it was found that eight (8) grease interceptors are currently undersized for their usage load. This can be attributed to the addition of concessionaires and restaurants connecting into the grease waste system and the increased passenger traffic in the terminals.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Construct two new restrooms. One in terminal A and one in terminal C

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

DFW has completed an annual evaluation of the entire AOA and has noted areas requiring rehabilitation for FAA standards or deficiencies in airfield operational items. The composition of this project will be similar in nature to the MII-approved FY2022 Airfield Remediation scope contained in AFD-141. The FY2024 scope of work will span across the entire AOA to include select reconstruction of airfield pavements, including joint seal, crack and spall rehab, and select panel replacement. Additional work will include electrical circuit and lighting upgrades, airfield signage upgrades, and drainage improvements. This work will be a huge factor in improving the lifecycle and maintenance costs in order to avoid future closures during and after a runway rehabilitation. Most importantly, it prolongs the existing assets, preventing them from requiring full replacement rather than select rehabilitation. To preserve airfield assets, support the ICP and future development, and avoid costly runway and taxiway closures in the future, DFW recommends proceeding with this rehabilitation project.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

DFW has embarked on a multi-year infrastructure improvements program to revitalize the deicing system which will enhance operational functions for airlines by ensuring no limitations on deicing operations. Part of the improvements include improving the treatment system and removing reliance on outside treatment facilities. This project includes the construction of an Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST), a 25k gal Deicing Fluid Storage Tank, and Aerated Gravel Beds (AGB) Biological Treatment facility. ASTs have a smaller footprint than lined ponds of equivalent volume, provide better mixing, allow more control over odors, minimize use of potential revenue generating land, and provide excellent protection against attracting hazardous wildlife. The AGB is a biological treatment technology that can accept and successfully treat the range of DFW SADF concentrations, allowing the AGB to be used on a continuous basis. The AGB system can also process much higher flow rates than the existing Reverse Osmosis (RO) System and create a more meaningful impact on reducing storage volume and subsequent storage cost. AGBs can produce treated effluent that can be discharged to surface waters, which provides an opportunity to decrease and subsequently eliminate DFW risk from other treatment centers. The increase in storage and treatment capacity of the SADF system and rehabilitation of current conveyance of existing deicing infrastructure is needed because of the increased SADF flow volume paired with the reduction in allowable discharges to TRA.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

DFW is one of the biggest airport hubs in the world, where many passengers connect from one flight to another. In order to support travelers, a large number of electrically propelled (battery-powered) courtesy carts (Golf Cart) are used in the terminals for transporting passengers. A large number of unused or low battery golf carts are usually parked along the terminal corridor walls throughout the day and especially during peak operating hours. As a result, much of the corridor space is blocked and it is inaccessible for passenger use. This creates a bad level of service for customers, it is aesthetically unpleasing, blocks the minimum width required for emergency egress, and it fails to meet the CX core needs for customer sensory experiences at DFW.

As a result, a project to selectively identify and assign parking spaces that are not intruding within the 20 feet corridor width at the terminals and are discretely located along corridors and at the same time provide power to charge parked carts has been developed in conjunction with ETAM, ARE, Planning and CX.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Design and build employee portal sterile area entry locations at each terminal that will provide enhanced employee screening using x-ray, EVOLV and/or walk through magnetometers.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

Design for A24 restroom has been completed and this project will be incorporated into a new business case for construction as well as integration into Group One which includes restrooms A24, (Construction) B19 (Design and Construction) and E34 (Design and Construction). Business case is currently wrapping up with an expected CIP request of 3/31/2021.

Due to increased airline growth, capacity of our air side restrooms are undersized and need to be expanded to meet demand for both today and future growth.

Potential increase in cleanliness, ambiance, and overall customer satisfaction scores. This renovation will improve the overall ambiance directly contributing to a positive customer experience. The additional capacity will ensure the restrooms are not over utilized allowing for a higher level of cleanliness. Doing so will maintain DFW's position as a premier international airport. In addition, Concessions in collaboration with customer experience is exploring the potential for a sponsored restroom which would greatly reduce or eliminate costs for fixtures.

Design and construction efforts to update existing air side restrooms with new fixtures, finishes, and possible layout modifications.

Primary CX requirements:
• Fixture counts must be increased to accommodate current and future demand
• Entrances and aisles in all restrooms must accommodate bi-directional traffic with roller bags
• All stalls, urinals, and sinks must account for both the customer and their roller bag space
• Sinks must be designed to minimize water accumulation (i.e. trough-style sinks with built-in, combined, or close proximity soap/dryers/hand towels/trashcans or similar)
• Sustainability must be incorporated throughout the design (i.e. over sized exhaust, janitorial space, ability to close partial restroom, etc.)
• Design must account for an enhanced experience for different passenger segments (full height partitions, lower sink for children, nursing rooms, etc.)

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

In response to the pressing customer challenge of finding the location of an airline ticket counter and the subsequent impacts on the customer experience, our project aims to revolutionize terminal navigation in the south landside area of Terminal D. By strategically addressing operational constraints and utilizing innovative wayfinding solutions, we intend to alleviate customer confusion and enhance the overall travel journey.

This project includes:

- 3 New large digital airline curbside signs​. (Reduce existing static curbside sign locations from 4 to 3​)
- 3 New digital airline directories at each entry​
- 2 New digital airline directories in south hall​

Also included:​
- A new user interface for assigning airline ticket counters (or API for an existing system)​
- All CMS and Creative Content​ (funding to be included in project)

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Remove existing emergency inverters; and purchase and install 8 new emergency lighting inverters to replace the existing units at Terminals A, B, C, and E Skylink North and South Stations.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

Terminal B, sanitary sewer system collects sewer from the third level, concourse, ramp, and the old tramway by lateral and vertical pipes and drains it into the street thru gravity. The underground lateral pipe, one level below the ramp, ties the Terminal to the street’s sewer pipe.
These underground lateral pipes and the vertical risers are and old, calcified and crusted with urea deposits and have become increasingly the choke points for sanitary sewer. This project bypasses the 50-year-old, rusted and crusted pipes and changes the sewer system into a forced sewer system by installing three lift stations. The project also replaces old vertical risers with pipes that can accommodate forecasted peak flows.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The D22 SSCP Expansion project seeks to replace the existing traditional security screening equipment with next-generation security screening equipment, expand the number of lanes available at D22, and implement dynamic solutions to more efficiently allocate demand across SSCP checkpoints available in Terminal D.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The Energy Plaza provides the heating and cooling to the facilities in the Central Terminal Area. Original construction commenced in 1971 and was last renovated during the 2005 CDP. The intent is to extend and sustain the operational life of the equipment. This will be accomplished through the replacement of deteriorated condenser water piping system which includes the condenser water supply, return, and tower bypass pipes inside of the operating area of the cooling towers. In addition, this project will include scope items that were descoped from the recently completed Rehabilitation of Energy Plaza Cooling Tower project.

The condenser water system at the Energy Plaza is currently monitored and controlled by a large number of sensors and control devices, which are part of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) system and Distributed Control System (DCS), also known as DeltaV. No additional sensors are needed, particularly for the condenser water piping. Additionally, the piping is exposed to the elements and condenser water while the cooling towers are in operation.

Stipulations regarding construction scheduling due to weather (see Project Dependencies and Operational Impacts) and construction phasing have been considered and addressed.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The HVAC unit Engineering Evaluation was conducted for Data Center (DC) 1 and 2 in the Summer of 2023 by MPO/Matador JV. An additional evaluation of DC 1's emergency electrical facility was prompted by a power outage event in same Summer that was also performed by MPO/Matador JV. Initial target facilities were DC 1 and 2, however, this project will exclusively focus on DC 1, as DC 2 is currently under internal discussion for demolition by ITS.

DC 1, originally constructed and operated by a third party, Verizon, faces challenges including limited equipment information, maintenance log details, and asset information. These gaps have challenged effective maintenance under the MEPS contract. The goal of this rehabilitation project is to address these issues, ensuring the provision of properly cooled air and well-organized equipment to maintain stable temperatures for data racks with their vision through our Building Automation System (BAS). Brief work scopes are below:

HVAC/BAS scopes
• 4 CHW Pumps and accessories will be replaced.
• 1 Exhaust fan will be replaced.
• 78ea of Data rack’s in-rac-coolers will be replaced.
• 4 Electric Unit Heaters replacement.
• Building Automation System connection with current Electric/HVAC units.
• Test, Adjusting, Balancing (TAB)/Commissioning.

Electrical scopes
• Installation of the second primary feeder to Side B (problematic side) of the double ended switchgear.
• Replacement of Operator Interface Panel (OIP).
• Switchgear service test.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The existing (3) UPSs 300kVA have reached the end of service life and need to be replaced.
This project includes the removal of the three existing APC MGE 300 kVA UPSs at Data Center at Verizon building and replacement with identical three new 300 kVA UPSs.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The four flyover bridges and roadways are located within the Central Terminal Area and are the primary entry into Terminals A, B, C and E from International Parkway.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

The project will replace the entire single ply roof system at Terminal D, including the land side pedestrian bridges and North and South SkyLink Stations. It will also include of the existing skylights on the metal roof. The project also consists of recovering the entire metal roof system

It will Remove the existing roof system on the flat areas of Terminal-D. Install two (2) layer of 2.3” (R-25: minimum total R-Value) poly-iso insulation set in insulation adhesive. Install one (1) layer of ½” dens deck set in insulation adhesive. Install one (1) layer of Siplast inter-ply set in cold process Low LVOC adhesive. Install one (1) layer of Siplast Eco-Active Depolluting Roof Membrane set in cold process Low LVOC to include Parapro 123 flashing membrane as per the manufactures requirements. 2015 International Energy Conservation Code requires an R-Value of R-25.

The project will install a self-adhering High Temperature Underlayment over the existing metal roof system. Install a 22 gauge, 18” wide 238T McElroy panel w/Fluothane Special Metallic Kynar 500 pre-finish fastened through the existing roof system into the existing roof deck. Install associated trim and expansion joints.

It will include removing the existing skylight and install new skylights that provide superior visible light transmittance as well as optimal 100% diffused light distribution without causing glare, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and hot spots. The design of these consists of affixed industrial double-glazed domed skylight of impact modified acrylic with a thermally insulated, extruded, weather-tight aluminum frame.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The proposed Dynamic Digital Signs that were removed from the International Parkway Signage project is now being repackaged, rebid and constructed at two locations; one just inside the North Toll Gate and another one just inside the South Toll Gate.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_B869B2C2_9B83_3DF3_4170_F3939540BBAD.html =
Project Description

The vision is to create a collaborative, open, shared physical space to empower DFW Airport employees to be the key drivers for solving Airport challenges through prototyping and testing of ideas. Our intention is to retrofit approximately 17,000 sf of space in Terminal B (Former FIS concourse, landside) with a modular, scalable, and flexible facility design that accelerates prototyping and testing of new products and services. The business model is for DFW to own and operate the Center. This creates opportunity for employees and partners to design on airport property, leveraging the site as a key differentiator. This will support growth and output in terms of new products, services, and revenue streams. We envision a return on investment for the airport with solutions deployed that will impact operational efficiency and revenue streams.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_9E153666_82E6_8977_41C3_0D52949DA353.html =
Project Description

There are 6 moving powerwalks, 4 escalators and two hydraulic elevators at each end, for a total of 12 conveyance units in the A-B Sky-bridge. The bridge has three sections, and the total length of the AB connector is 784 feet. These units also help move a large amount of passenger traffic between Terminals A and B, in the event of a Sky-link outage, it provides a way for passengers to cross over from one side of the airport to the other
This project is to refurbish all of the SKYBRIDGE Conveyances as they are getting old and have finished their usable life.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_BE9CAD98_9B81_2790_41D3_A11DAD675C3B.html =
Project Description

There are currently no Baggage Information Displays (BIDS) located in the DFW CBP Baggage Claim Hall. Customers do not know which baggage carousel to claim their luggage from and therefore, must search all bag claim carousels to locate their flight/luggage resulting in a poor experience and increasing the stress of international travel. This project is intended to design, purchase, install, program, and activate three new large format BIDS displays at all three entry points into the CBP Baggage Claim Hall. In addition to the display hardware, this project must also include engineered mount drawings, display enclosures, power/data runs, video processor/player hardware, the Content Management System (CMS) software including data integration with the bag claim information within the Airport Operations Database (AODB), creative content designs for how to display this information to our customers, programming of the full system, and QA/QC for data accuracy. Lastly, these proposed BIDS that show a list of all flight arrivals and associated bag claim assignments need to work in concert with the actual bag carousel displays. While there is a separate effort to replace/upgrade the bag carousel displays (see dependencies listed below), this project should also include the Content Management System (CMS) and Creative Content for both display types so that both are operating on the same system.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_B4048B25_9B81_6CB0_41D5_B471E89FC442.html =
Project Description

There are currently no Baggage Information Displays (BIDS) located in the DFW CBP Baggage Claim Hall. Customers do not know which baggage carousel to claim their luggage from and therefore, must search all bag claim carousels to locate their flight/luggage resulting in a poor experience and increasing the stress of international travel. This project is intended to design, purchase, install, program, and activate three new large format BIDS displays at all three entry points into the CBP Baggage Claim Hall. In addition to the display hardware, this project must also include engineered mount drawings, display enclosures, power/data runs, video processor/player hardware, the Content Management System (CMS) software including data integration with the bag claim information within the Airport Operations Database (AODB), creative content designs for how to display this information to our customers, programming of the full system, and QA/QC for data accuracy. Lastly, these proposed BIDS that show a list of all flight arrivals and associated bag claim assignments need to work in concert with the actual bag carousel displays. While there is a separate effort to replace/upgrade the bag carousel displays (see dependencies listed below), this project should also include the Content Management System (CMS) and Creative Content for both display types so that both are operating on the same system.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_EE667D27_8264_7914_41D0_C4BE3579AA71.html =
Project Description

This Self Service Bag Drop (SSBD) project will look to remove and replace the current traditional check-in counters located in the Terminal D South Ticket Hall with all new SSBD technology. The approach for this project will include 2 main tasks:

Task 1: Solicit, evaluate, test, and select the SSBD technology that will be installed in the D South Ticketing Hall.

Task 2: Concept and design an all-new check-in process layout built around the selected technology from Task 1 including temporary counter positions needed in the North and /or South Hall throughout construction.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_4220FAB9_7DA6_11D5_41B4_779822B7E1B4.html =
Project Description

This funding request is for both engineering design and construction phases of the project.
This project includes the replacement of eighty-three (83) high mast poles with associated LED light fixtures and controls. The project will install high mast pole foundations, duct banks, junction can plazas, wiring and electrical power pads. The high mast poles will be located as follows:
• Seventy-five (75) poles in the Central Terminal Area along International Parkway
• Four (4) additional poles in the Terminal B infield
• Four (4) poles that Scope includes Cost and Incremental O&M Impacts (if any)

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_FDADF453_83AD_EF0E_41DA_49CBC1669E62.html =
Project Description

This project aims to address persistent odor issues from rusted sanitary pipes and poor ventilation system shortcomings identified during the investigation at Terminal B Vanderlande Baggage Handling System Control room, which is located between Column #72-73 at the Ramp level. It will focus on achieving the following objectives:
• Re-design and re-routing of ductwork to improve the room’s ventilation
• Immediate replacement of the Mechanical Chase room’s sanitary pipes between the ramp and concourse level

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_91104D69_DA8B_23EB_41D6_B24C04140D5E.html =
Project Description

This project consists of airside improvements on the east and west airfield to improve operational efficiency and safety, relieve terminal area congestion, and reduce taxiing time to/from the existing terminal area.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_30470A7E_7DE6_114F_41D1_FC99E66BC035.html =
Project Description

This project consists of airside improvements on the east and west airfield to improve operational efficiency and safety, relieve terminal area congestion, and reduce taxiing time to/from the existing terminal area.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2D287868_7DE6_1172_41B4_AE5D0460A375.html =
Project Description

This project consists of airside improvements on the east and west airfield to improve operational efficiency and safety, relieve terminal area congestion, and reduce taxiing time to/from the existing terminal area.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_4885BD11_7C6E_30D5_41D1_F8D23AC8813B.html =
Project Description

This project consists of improvements to the Airport thermal energy utility infrastructure

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_352133AD_78CD_7CB3_41D2_CACF6FF81454.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_F9F36FAC_B81C_5D36_41E2_C85260DBD91A.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A769EBC8_C117_F3CA_41E1_A96D903DBC89.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_147486AA_83E4_6B18_41DD_C74A081A5D0A.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E0B23C42_9C83_24D9_41D2_6792FF6D7A7E.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_5EF2BF4F_7C9E_0F4C_41C0_62B71778347D.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A1A76740_9B83_64E6_41CC_378C46E5A401.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_3EE7FF29_A099_7353_41C8_260FF06DE325.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E4477988_B555_5C89_41D7_9C2649940BE6.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_5049AD22_7C6A_30F7_41DD_3A440EE0CFF6.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_23F5DB19_AB1B_A996_41D4_9C25375D6E37.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_084DAE16_A09B_5571_41C3_0E27913E9A1E.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A766ABFC_C117_F3CA_41E4_C626A83B3C1C.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_B8DE1BEA_9B81_63B0_41D3_8D0E9CED73EE.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A7534C2B_C117_F44E_41E5_32ADD9D3F3EA.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_9E09767F_82E6_8954_41B2_4110E62003BE.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_3EFB9F1D_A099_7373_41B4_9A9D539BE2F7.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_49DB5556_7D9E_335F_41BC_28CE792A198D.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_F9F7AF9E_B81C_5D12_41D1_12212B1E1B2E.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A7717B98_C117_FC4A_41E0_1949B05E84F5.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A6B68543_9B83_64EB_41CF_4503BFBDD140.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BAAEF9B1_9B81_2F91_41E3_3E011198559C.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_FA921B07_B827_A6F3_41D8_51E0339C0E80.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E7DE19A3_9C81_EC5F_41D2_4392634A8608.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A1BC574C_9B83_64FE_41E1_8051DC1C2E76.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A737BD97_82E6_9BAA_41B3_FFA615460065.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_6608BF1B_7CAA_10D5_41D8_785C8FD8E475.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A6BB2537_9B83_64AA_41E0_D95512000458.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_06AA60FC_B556_CCA8_4194_048D2989E3FA.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BE897DB0_9B81_2790_41DD_B701A29AB826.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_086DDE4B_A09B_55D7_41C9_06C8AAA92580.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E7DAF9B0_9C81_EFB9_41D0_A2EA39C5F0F8.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E0B66C54_9C83_24F9_41E2_49446A684DA3.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_3DEAE313_B5F3_4D91_41B1_E7EAA6F6573B.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_06E205E8_B575_74D2_41C8_8FC6196B2533.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_FA84DAFA_B827_A71D_41D3_0354D16422AA.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E45D0997_B555_5C87_41DF_587E28D4EA22.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_30572A8B_7DE6_11B5_41D0_DFF591A5D6A7.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2FCBD4D8_B537_5498_41D7_7BAA32B46287.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E45D09B6_B555_5C99_41E6_3E0ACF4170F6.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_9AFBBA40_C0DA_9BE2_41D6_B4C201F04358.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_B8F255A2_9B82_E7B3_41A8_0DFCC6BB7556.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_06E7F5FF_B575_74AE_41E1_5ED672E6C310.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_9EC4BC02_82E2_98AC_41D9_2EFA477FD9F5.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_F83964E6_B8E4_6332_41D3_3C9C6A214C17.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E04EE038_9C83_7CA9_41CE_3BA96DEE0862.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_3DF01304_B5F3_4D70_41D5_6D2398339B58.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_F069092C_9C87_2CA5_41E3_559471C4C13F.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_B8C9B596_9B82_E793_41C4_6C40DCE9ACB4.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_06EBD61B_B575_7776_41CB_02D9D64037FC.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_4E9A9318_7C66_F0D3_41D1_5FF991BC6A5B.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_C55DF27E_9C82_DCA5_41D8_4856D5844C00.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_23DF8ABB_AB1B_A88A_41E4_64D0216DE663.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2B2C04A1_B52D_54A7_41E4_0D5F7A431C82.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_98178209_DA8B_E12B_41D6_5FD208042CF7.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BF75B7A5_9B81_23B0_41BD_CA879662F4B5.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E04A5045_9C83_7CDB_41DC_D4923EAFCCEC.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_06911628_B575_7752_41E2_5E901491001D.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_63418DF4_C29D_4E09_41D3_27FBE63A0846.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_9AE57A6E_C0DA_9BA1_41D3_C3CAD6F81E87.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BF6907C6_9B81_23F0_41CF_4FC834164317.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_F4A2CC23_83AC_5F0D_41DE_BCD58B584022.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E457B9C1_B555_5CFB_41C9_A451E68BB362.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_6338FDE8_C29D_4E19_41E1_EDD1DEE586EF.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_F80E34B6_B8E4_6313_41E5_EC46A478CCE2.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_997D35B9_82E2_8BD9_41D5_834D14ADE71C.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2B30C493_B52D_4B6B_41D5_0B5DA4A21E74.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_D2643F28_9B81_24A2_41C4_3B17861F32CE.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_23C99AE7_AB1B_A8BA_41E3_7B654F92B669.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_22123454_AB2C_7F9E_41E3_5152EBC6B962.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_FE4D96EC_B52D_748B_41D2_D8BE7C919510.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_08C34EB8_83EC_3B79_41C1_6D4C99BFEB6F.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_D2699F1C_9B81_2462_41E1_389B31ED541B.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_0CC0E260_B55F_4FDD_41E0_E77B14EE178F.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_03465E02_83A4_5B0E_41C6_CF30D4A58376.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BE87BDBD_9B81_2790_41CB_8DBBCEC8B224.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_9A94BA97_C0DA_9B6E_41D6_F54046564BC6.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_220CA44A_AB2C_7FF5_419B_C73A1AC4D45A.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_FE46C71C_B52D_758B_41A6_79915C7D3AF4.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_30BF0397_7DFE_37DF_41C9_F308A953B835.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_F0675938_9C87_2CAD_41C9_9D2FC5F4EE45.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_B413AB33_9B81_6C90_41DD_56662FAD895D.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BF9B42D8_9B83_3D9F_41D1_75E193A29586.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_0AD14ECD_839C_DB1B_41D8_C147EE9D572B.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_9A870AC2_C0DA_98E6_41CB_A36135F7AD77.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_FEB9C748_B52D_758B_41C5_2A7072314750.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_B4164B3F_9B81_6C90_41C0_F6235315AC02.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_37920154_B5D2_CD95_41BB_EBF4BEE05540.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_C566928A_9C82_DC6D_41BA_D0FAA225B215.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2B2AE4B6_B52D_54AD_41E2_19D7F540AFED.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A46AADA2_9B81_67A5_41D4_05A4318D652E.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_43915474_7DAE_3153_41BD_B6478742E0CB.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2F3C8507_B537_5577_41DE_31A2998E2C8B.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_FEB2377A_B52D_758F_41E6_18E78907AD87.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_37942148_B5D2_CDFD_41D8_E0789066D9B5.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2B20D4C2_B52D_54E5_41E3_D58203095293.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_C08D0539_82BC_296B_41DA_44F612C12DE9.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2C26CA80_AB1B_AB76_41E2_7F30C83D6EC4.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_37A1F705_B532_F577_41CE_6FFD7944BC87.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_0CD2C284_B55F_4F65_41E2_F2B8B1BCDFB5.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_37A27713_B532_F593_41BB_311ABBCA4B8A.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BFB571FF_9B83_DF8F_41DA_395FB6FADCEB.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_C10E1AA9_9B81_6DAE_41A3_4E34996906C4.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_0CCCA26E_B55F_4FA5_41B9_26CC45667AB9.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A46ECDAF_9B81_67BC_41E1_B1036D493681.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_E82A849E_8264_6F32_41DB_564EAC78629A.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BF9D92E3_9B83_3DB0_41DC_917CB27D7EDA.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A1A32EA6_9B82_E5AB_41D0_115D95D5CFAB.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_3798A12B_B5D2_CDB3_4183_746ADFFC6727.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BA9F43CC_9B83_E3F7_41E2_E553DDDD8B5B.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2F3AE500_B537_5569_41CB_F3F7AA4E5D0C.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_2FC184E5_B537_54AB_41A4_A066DCCAC358.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_EAF08267_829C_6B12_41CF_74CAA04A900E.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_C1003AB5_9B81_6DA1_41D0_AE75BC18280E.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_0CC82278_B55F_4FAD_41BD_EC89ACBA5DCB.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_3787A11E_B5D2_CD95_41C0_A878B9A41B62.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_A1AE8EB4_9B82_E5AF_41E2_75AF1E5B792C.html =
Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminals A, B, and C. There are 20 EDS machines requiring replacement in 6 CBISs (Terminal A: 7 EDS in 2 CBISs; Terminal B: 4 EDS in 1 CBIS; Terminal C: 9 EDS in 3 CBISs). Terminals A, B, and C are 100% TSA reimbursable.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
HTMLText_BFA651EC_9B83_DFB1_41C7_1F4C71A4BF83.html =
Project Description

This project is for rehabilitation of the existing terminal B parking garage sections A, B and C and includes architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical upgrades and repairs.
The scope of work to include:
"Section A "
Electrical: This project is for replacement of the existing High Pressure Sodium lighting fixtures in section A of terminal B parking garage with energy efficient LED fixtures with modern controls to include 50 % dimming while no motion/ traffic, 10% during day light and 20% of the fixture always 100%.
Architectural: Repair the stripping as required and install PVC sleeves on all Bollards.
Structural: The section has some areas of minor concrete spalling at the traffic barrier rails, which need to be repaired.
"Sections B and C "
Electrical: New electrical panels are installed and coexist with the old panels. This project to include transferring/replacement the existing circuits to the new electrical panels and removal of the old panels.
Architecture: Repair the stripping as required and install PVC sleeves on all Bollards.
Structural: The section has some areas of minor concrete spalling at the traffic barrier rails, which need to be repaired.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_B8B37BBE_9B81_6390_41D4_BD9D3BC15962.html =
Project Description

This project is for the design and construction phases of the Taxiway B bridge rehabilitation. This scope will strengthen the Taxiway B bridge structure to accommodate ADG-VI (A380s and Boeing 747-800s) aircraft operations. This will include concrete bridge deck reconstruction, steel girder reinforcement, and column/pier modifications. In addition, the center section of Taxiway B will be rehabilitated to include select panel replacement, expansion joint replacement, and electrical (lighting) modernization.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_9E7EDBCD_82E2_BFB4_41D8_7443539168CA.html =
Project Description

This project is part of the Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) replacement program. It includes replacement of ten PBB’s in Terminal D which have exhausted their usable life span. The specific PBB’s to be replaced are D6, D7, D8, D10, D11, D14, D15, D16 and D17. The replacement work includes decommissioning and removal of the existing PBBs, replacement of apron type 3 tunnel, multi aircraft fitting PBBs, 10 fixed walkway RTUs, installing a new PBB management system, marking, and stripping of the ramp area befitting the new PBBs and retrofitting existing ground support equipment (GSE).

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_C0B25532_82BC_2979_41C3_40B069317C49.html =
Project Description

This project is to remediate the failed steel support members for the North and South SkyLink emergency egress stairwells found at Express South Parking Lot. The consultant Consor Engineers (Consor) noted serious cracking in the vertical steel support framing of the stairwells on April 4, 2023, during the assessment of the SkyLink structure. The defects revealed the stairwells no longer carry any live loads and may collapse if used. A Notice of Critical Findings letter was issued to DFW Airport on April 5, 2023, that a safety hazard exists and both stairwells must be closed immediately. Within days the stairwells were designated out-of-service with fencing along with an alternate egress route was established from the guideway.

A follow-up detailed assessment was performed on April 11, 2023, by Consor to determine the condition of these two stairwells and recommend remediation actions to place them both back in service. In addition, the other six spiral stairwells along the SkyLink alignment were assessed but not part of this project. An Executive Summary, assessment findings, scope of work recommendations, and a C&A Estimate were submitted to support this Project Data Sheet (PDS).

The procurement statue, Local Government Code 252.022 will be invoked due to the health of safety concerns to expediate the design and acquiring the services of a contractor without competitive bidding.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_BF9E32DE_9B83_3D93_41E0_919C8B3F1539.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2C252AA1_AB1B_A8B6_41E5_62DEE4F8CF4B.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_0CD7727E_B55F_4FA5_41C6_C72BBE2A5CDC.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A1A0BEAD_9B82_E5B9_41CB_8731DBF40B01.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_E0B07C48_9C83_24E9_41E1_1CAA87433A86.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_BA8473C6_9B83_E3F3_41C5_D29667435720.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_E04C803E_9C83_7CA9_41C9_C3ACFBC97ACD.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_F9F88FA5_B81C_5D36_41E0_9B15D97EB24F.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2FCD64DE_B537_5499_41E6_0817D6FCC8D7.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2F392505_B537_556B_41B7_A1F0890D374B.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A73B1D85_82E6_9BAE_41C2_B59C88271226.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_0CC38268_B55F_4FAD_41D9_F06F61516FF3.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_B8F7B59C_9B82_E797_41AB_6DE8BA6696F7.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_3EF9EF23_A099_7357_41D0_DAB7B48CF83F.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_06E0A5EF_B575_74AE_41C5_03F474948DB2.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_23FCCAFE_AB1B_A88A_41D1_7B5D4BC99381.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_08728E2E_A09B_5551_41E1_2DD6422B881B.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_FEB7475F_B52D_7585_41E1_59838B8B7C21.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_E4590990_B555_5C99_4196_456C12675009.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_FE482704_B52D_757B_41C9_DA6986E6A800.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_22109450_AB2C_7F95_41E2_07BE8BFF8E95.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_BA9159A9_9B81_2FB1_41DA_8FC30FEDC1CB.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_F80204CD_B8E4_6371_41E4_AA3235C13A86.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_E452D9BB_B555_5C8F_41DC_D10683D08AC4.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_06ED6622_B575_7756_4191_793CED8D9895.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2B36249A_B52D_4B65_41D2_6EFA23AE1F0C.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_37AD070C_B532_F575_41B7_F50204BDE575.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_B4126B3A_9B81_6C90_41DB_C7E49F8B2148.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_C55B9284_9C82_DC65_41DE_F92D6A1C8863.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_D2683F22_9B81_24A6_41CA_BEACCC0B772F.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_379D1125_B5D2_CDB7_41DB_42C0941EC4BD.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A468EDA9_9B81_67A4_41D5_13A7BE2F33EB.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_3DF5A30B_B5F3_4D71_41D2_B973F88055BB.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_633D6DEE_C29D_4E19_41DE_CCC06BAF2C5A.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_FA99BB00_B827_A6ED_41DC_BA8C7877C61D.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A7597C13_C117_F45E_4192_028C4265FA25.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_9A8E1AAC_C0DA_98A2_41B9_981F0D4144E1.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_F06B9932_9C87_2CBD_41A3_7DCD6DABC88E.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_C1037AB0_9B81_6DBE_41E0_48E4EDC5D369.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A1BE2747_9B83_64EA_41E1_D345223171BC.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2B2474BC_B52D_549D_41CB_37EEF5EB0DC6.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_BF7757AC_9B81_23B0_41E0_1EC7500E1BFE.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_BE8A0DB7_9B81_2790_41E1_EF713A7C133B.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_E7DCF9A9_9C81_EFAB_41E1_DB5DAF1FD1B0.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A76ADBAF_C117_FC46_41E2_26F5A9F66295.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A6B8B53D_9B83_649F_41DC_B2933FF7A3E1.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_3796714E_B5D2_CDF5_41E4_4D02728F61F8.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_9AF33A56_C0DA_9BEE_41D2_3369CA8B963E.html =
Project Description

This project is to remove and replace approximately 2,970 feet of the existing perimeter security fence at the SkyLink Maintenance Service Facility (SkyLink MSF) and at the eight (8) off-site stairwell locations with a taller and more robust security fence to include bollards and cabling. The existing security fence at the SkyLink MSF and the emergency stairwells are not per current security standards and can be easily breeched.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_B8D9057F_9B82_E491_41DA_532EAD89D7DF.html =
Project Description

This project is to resume the removal and replacement of 676 feet of the existing expansion joint system in the southern portion of the Terminal D baggage level on the airside side. The northern portion of 424 feet was successfully accomplished in 2020 under DCC Construction Contract 9500663, Phase 1, but due to the concerns of Covid-19 the work was suspended. The unused materials were stockpiled nearby. expansion joint plates and armor for the southern portion had been purchased and stored.

The original business case for this project was submitted as “PLN-BC-070, Terminal D Ramp Expansion Joints Rehabilitation”, dated August 2, 2017. The current expansion joints have severely deteriorated due to constant traveling of heavy baggage carts, tugs, and vehicles. They have become a pedestrian safety hazard as well as an operational concern while working on the baggage ramp.

Lessons learned from the north portion has been incorporated into this project with the anticipated risks mitigated. It is expected an undocumented fire barrier will be found embedded into the topping slab that will need to be replaced and custom fabricating of the intersecting plates because of the oblique angles.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project remediates sanitary system deficiencies caused by expansive soils being subjected to moisture at Terminal D Lower Level 0. Furthermore, because of these expansive soils, a slab heaved considerably and caused stress and deviation on supports for existing conveyors and electrical conduits serving equipment in the area.

The Engineering Condition Assessment was done by an External Consultant MPO/Matador JV in 2023 with recommendations on rehabilitative measures.

This project rehabilitates sanitary sewer (SS) piping, storm drainage (SD) piping and removes future sanitary sewer connections which are the source of moisture for the expansive soils. The project also includes crawl space access door opening modifications. An executive summary, assessment findings, recommendations, and a C&A Estimate are submitted to support this Project Data Sheet (PDS)."

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project replaces fire pumps at Terminals B and E, that are old and didn't meet the required demand pressure the required demand flow. The project also replaces the fire pump controller at Terminal D. The project also replaces piping at various Terminals. It also replaces deteriorated components and malfunctioning components across the SkyLink fire pump houses.

The Engineering Condition Assessment was done by an External Consultant MPO/Matador JV in 2023 with recommendations on rehabilitative and replacement measures.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project will address the following items.
1. Waterproofing would consist of surface coatings, with the application of water repellant coating to all cement stucco and concrete tilt wall surfaces. Remove and replacement of control joints at all tilt walls, remove and replacement of all sealant joints at the CMU block, concrete and cement stucco wall conditions.
2. The removal and replacement of the existing joint sealant and backer rod on all existing door frames, louver frames, metal panel’s seams, joints and concrete tilt wall joints, along with replacement of all threshold sealants at doors. Also included are the replacement of expansion gaskets at doors, and concrete tilt wall conditions.
3. The removal and replacement of the existing expansion joints at the metal wall panels. In addition the waterproofing would consist of surface coatings of the metal wall panels.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project will design and construct a Pier extension at Terminal A via a Design Build contract. Terminal A Pier constructs a new 130,000 SF, 10 gates (net increase of 5 gates) pier at the North Skylink Station and select areas of the existing terminal will be renovated.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will purchase and install Dynamic Glass for the concourse and INS levels of Terminal D, as well as required electrical support infrastructure including low voltage wiring, controllers, and control panels.

-DFWCA CIP approved in September 2019 for $13,647,972 M with the potential for JCA MII reimbursement​
-Project moved to Design phase October 2019​
-Project put on hold March 2020 due to global pandemic impacts​
-Project reactivated in January 2022​
-Scope additions include smart sensors and revised glass area​

Design and implement a phased program for the implementation of dynamic glass at DFW Airport. Procure and install dynamic glass and all required control systems for the balance of system in compliance with the Dynamic Glass Specification in Contract 7006541, including the insulated glazing units (IGU’s), window controllers, low-voltage cable, control panels, and rooftop sensor. Connect dynamic glass system into the DFW Building Automation System (BAS).

The scope shall include approximately 49,165 square feet of dynamic glass:
-Terminal D South Façade: Dynamic glass IGU’s installed throughout South façade. Additional detail attached in Terminal D South Elevations Scope document.
-Terminal D West Façade: Approximately 70 dynamic glass IGU’s installed between columns G.4 and I.2. Additional detail attached in Terminal D West Elevations Scope document.
Exact measurements of all windows in the central terminal area are available to estimation and design team through View Dynamic Glass to define exact project square footage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)

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Project Description

This project will replace the current Building Automation System in Terminal D. This system is based on outdated protocols, is no longer supported by the manufacturer, and is not compatible with current IT standards.
Additionally, the project will replace the controls on all the HVAC devices to ensure compatibility with the new BAS. The project will replace any failed Terminal Units or their failed components, the failed VFD’s for the systems, and upgrade AHU’s components identified as failed.

The project will also replace the existing Smoke Evac system that is also no longer supported by the manufacturer.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project will replace the current Building Management System that has reached end of life on Skylink Stations A, B, C and E. After discussion with CUP and ETAM personnel and based on feedback from hired consultants, the best approach will be a complete replacement of the existing Skylink Trane control system. It is recommended that the Skylink HVAC system be added to the existing Schneider Electric BAS. Its also important to integrate control and functionality of the existing Purge Fans; These Fans are located on the train station level. This assures a seamless and uniform integration of the Skylink BAS into the base-building BAS. This allows ETAM, American Airlines, and the Skylink maintenance provider to have one common front-end and one common hardware platform to maintain.

As part of this project is requested by the BAS systems administrator include the innovation studios BAS components. The automation portion of the area pertaining innovation studios was not replaced by TRIP. Therefore the area is configured with outdated VAV controllers which are not visible or adjustable throughout the Niagara BAS Frontend.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will replace the entire dry fire sprinkler system at Terminal D, including main line pipe, new branch line pipe, gatehouse loop pipe, sprinkler heads and nitrogen generators. The scope also includes insulating and heat tracing of wet sprinkler pipes that are susceptible to freezing ambient temperatures.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project will serve as Group 3 of the restroom renovations within the Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP). The objective is to renovate all 36 airside restrooms (not including Terminal C) to meet the customer fixture demand in the airport terminals for the future. Of the now 37 airside restrooms (new restroom at D South), A29 has been completed, B14 is scheduled to be completed by American Airlines (AA), and A18, A24, B19, and E34 are in progress as part of HARP Groups 1 and 2. This leaves a total of 30 restrooms still requiring renovation.
The project team is reviewing 6 options; of which, 3 or 4 will be chosen as the scope for Group 3. The six (6) options under review are A11, A38, B10, D5, D36, and E7. The project team is reviewing each restroom set for its customer impact, airport/terminal impact, and cost. The customer impact will provide an evaluation of fixture count demand and restroom condition, and the airport / terminal impact will provide an evaluation of location, nearby projects, maintenance assessments, and enabling work. After compiling the data, Group 3 restroom sets will be recommended.
Next steps include:
• Creating 10% designs to align with the future fixture count and updated Design Guidelines.
• Obtaining estimates to determine each restroom set’s cost to meet the 10% designs.
• Obtaining assessments completed by maintenance to determine if there are significant maintenance concerns for any restroom.
• Finalizing the restroom sets that will move forward as Group 3.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will serve as Phase 2 of the restroom renovations within the Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP). The objective of this program is to renovate all 34 airside restrooms to meet the customer fixture demand in the airport terminals for the next 15 years.

The Phase 2 project scope includes a full expansion and/or remodel of three (3) airside restroom sets at A18, D5, and D22. The renovation of these restroom sets will assist in increasing our total fixture count, improve cleaning and sanitizing capabilities (which are in alignment and compliance with enhanced COVID-19 practices), and replace fixtures and finishes with new, more durable materials.

The scope of work and major deliverables include:
• Creating and finalizing optimized design layouts to accommodate future growth
• Implementing designs that allow for increased fixture counts
• Demolishing existing restroom fixtures and finishes
• Enabling work of adjacent spaces when/where applicable

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This project will serve as a refresh of the lighting, ceiling, and flooring in the women’s restroom at D22 and D25. The women’s restroom refresh project was created in response to a consumer insights study on women’s overall perception of restrooms. There were several key customer satisfaction pain points identified from the survey, which focused on the condition of the restroom, including worn toilet seats (remedied), older flooring with some visual damage, and low lighting.
Customer Experience (CX) considered restrooms B23, B4, D19, D22, D24, D25, and E4 as options for undergoing a refresh of the flooring, lighting, and ceilings due to the following reasons:
• The restrooms will likely be included in later Holistic Airside Restroom Program (HARP) groups.
• The future fixture count calculations make large footprint changes unlikely, so the investment on interim improvements could be preserved.
CX is requesting a refresh for women’s restrooms D22 and D25 in an effort to improve customer satisfaction and cleanliness scores until these restrooms are completed in HARP.
This project will:
• Remove old, stained flooring and replace with standard large tile with trench drains according to the Restrooms Guidelines.
• Remove old ceiling tiles, better alight ceiling functions (air, safety, etc.) and install new linear lighting.
• Remove carpeting off the entry wall (if carpeted) and replace with a non-carpet material.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project's primary goal is to resolve the HVAC water line leaks originating from the penthouse level, which affected air conditioning deficiencies observed at Terminal E Column 109-110, near Gate E 33, including the TSA checkpoint. Currently, the temporary flexible pipe is arranged to make a CHW circulation. Still, the permanent bypass piping solution is required to provide stable service to guarantee the Air Handling Units provide stable conditioned air to the Concourse level Passenger area. Non-accessible CHW/HW piping are the main issue to move forward with this project, which will achieve these objectives through the following actions:
• Re-design and re-route the process water hydronic lines to prevent the Air Conditioning loss due to leaks.
• Bypass lines will be installed above of the Mechanical room’s ceiling due to the restricted entrance.
• Install slightly tilted pipes with air vents will prevent piping failure from the air pocket.
• Install pipe insulation and heat trace to prevent freezing in the exposed lines.
• Additional electrical line and Building Automation System control installation will be required.
• Roof finishing around the piping area shall be required to prevent any leaks.
All described control features will be integrated into our BAS to offer real-time monitoring of the operational status of Heat Trace and Piping, as a part of our Digital Twin system.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

DFW Airport strives to provide an exceptional Airport experience for its customers, every day. To create that experience, our Airport facilities should not only be operational, but have a clean and welcoming environment. For our international passengers, each corridor leading to the International Arrivals Great Hall in Terminal D is the first place that customers enter upon arriving at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport and possibly the first time to step foot into the United States of America. Based on the current condition of the carpet in the vestibules and corridors, the projected first impression to our international customers is unpleasant with faded and mismatched carpet tiles, bald spots where the carpet is worn away, and full of stains and obvious gum spots. With first impressions being critical to the overall customer experience, we need to make it a priority to keep our facility looking fresh and updated.

The purpose of this project is to address the following:
• Remove 101,538 sq ft of carpet in the CBP Corridors, Arrivals Vestibules, and the B-D Connector
• Replace the carpet as it has exceeded the useable lifetime of the asset.
• This is considered Phase 2 of the carpet replacement in DFW Airport’s Customs and Border Protection space. Phase 1 included the removal and replacement of the carpet in the International Arrivals Great Hall.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Phase I of the Terminal Exit Lane Program will include three (3) exits in Terminal A. (A15, A26, A33)
Scope of Work:
Demolition of the existing swing doors at the proposed terminal exits, surrounding storefront, and partitions. Installation of ATEL units with the required electrical and communication infrastructure to support the exit lane units and the surrounding area will be finished with a new storefront or gypsum.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Phase II of the Terminal Exit Lane Program will include two (2) exits in Terminal B. (B7, B28)
Scope of Work:
Demolition of the existing swing doors at the proposed terminal exits, surrounding storefront, and partitions. Installation of ATEL units with the required electrical and communication infrastructure to support the exit lane units and the surrounding area will be finished with a new storefront or gypsum.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Renovation of connector interior, as needed, including new flooring. Renovation of moving walks, as needed, and renovation control tower floors. Relocation of aa auto shop from ramp level of connector to other terminal area space, and renovation of ramp level spaces. Replace concourse level windows and repaint exterior.

Renovation work to include the following:
A. Roofing
B. Elevator Refurbishment
C. Restroom Upgrades
D. Ceiling and Lighting Upgrades
E. MEP and Control Upgrades
F. Fire Alarm Upgrades
G. Updated Finishes

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

Replacement of aged Automated Train Control (ATC) system for Skylink Automated People Mover (APM)

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

Terminal D, which was built in 2005, has several plumbing and mechanical components that have exceeded their useful life and therefore need replacement due to asset life cycle recommended per industry standards. This project includes design and construction of the following plumbing components as well as HVAC units:
a) Terminal D Hot Water heaters:
There are 45 water heaters which have been in service since 2005 and need to be replaced. According BOMA Standards, an average useful life for these heaters is 10 years.
b) Sanitary Sewer Pipe:
Approximately 350 feet of sanitary sewer pipe has been clogged with solid grease, severely restricting flow. This pipe must be replaced, and a heat trace system will be added to the new installation. This system runs along the pipe with the capability of maintaining the sanitary sewer at a temperature above freezing to prevent grease coming from concessions from clogging the pipes.
c) Toilet and urinal Flush valves and supporting components
Existing sensors, switches and valves are obsolete and out of production. The valves are leaking and need replacement.
d) Fire pumps:
Existing pumps and controllers are currently over seventeen (17) years old and in need of replacement. According to BOMA and FM Global data, the service life is twenty (20) years, and therefore they will have reached their end of life by the end of this project. Life safety at the terminal relies on these pumps, and therefore it is essential to replace them in a timely manner.
e) HVAC pumps:
Replacement of four (4) Hot water HVAC pumps that are part of the CUP hydraulic system were installed in 2004 and operational since 2005 and have served their useful life per industry standards.
f) Chilled water pumps:
These pumps are part of the Central Utility Plant hydraulic system located at the north and south of Terminal D. There are 4 of these pumps and they are over 15 years old and in need of replacement. The useful service life for these pumps per ASHRAE and BOMA standards is 15 years.
g) Terminal D Sump Pumps:
These are duplex sump pump stations that were installed in 2005, are worn out and in need of replacement. They have exceeded their life expectancy of 7 to 10 years.
h) Drinking fountains and eye wash stations:
There are a total of 38 eye/face wash stations and 128 drinking fountains. These units are original to the building (over 15 years old). These elements are worn out and some of them are currently not functioning. Replacement is recommended as they have exceeded their useful life per BOMA standards of 15 years. This is also a potential OSHA concern as any employee's safety could become an issue.
i) Wall pack units:
Replacement of the existing wall pack units serving the gatehouses at Terminal D is recommended. Wall pack units essentially serve as a HVAC unit operating through a wall on the ramp area. These units are operating beyond their useful service life of 10-15 years per ASHRAE and BOMA standards. Thirty-three (33) units are in deteriorated condition after years of operation. These units were installed when the Terminal was built and are over 15 years old. Note: There are also wall pack units serving gatehouses D30, D33, and Server Room (D27A219A) that are relatively new. These units were manufactured in 2016 – 2018 and are in good condition. These units are not recommended to be replaced.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The Energy Plaza provides the heating and cooling to the facilities in the Central Terminal Area. Original construction commenced in 1971 and was last renovated during the 2005 CDP. The intent is to extend and sustain the operational life of the equipment, reduce unscheduled outages due to aging and improve the environmental sustainability of the all chiller equipment. This will be accomplished through the rehabilitation of the York Titan Chillers. In addition, the project will include the rehabilitation of the Precondition Air System (PCA) Chiller Control System.

This project will rehabilitate the existing PCA Chiller Controls System with a focus on replacement of obsolete and degraded system components to align with future energy plant demands. In addition, six (6) York OM chillers will be rehabilitated to improve operational reliability, improve efficiency, and extend the service life. Lastly, as part of the Airport’s sustainability efforts, all Energy Plaza chillers (six OM and five PCA) will be converted from R134A to R513A to reduce DFW’s carbon footprint. Energy Plaza is the largest user of refrigerant for the Board and accounts for approximately seven (7) percent of the Airport’s carbon footprint. Please note that as of 2024, the EPA bans the use of R134A in new chiller equipment. This equipment was installed in 2005 and is now approaching the “wear out” stage in the asset life cycle. Timely rehabilitation projects are required to improve the life of this infrastructure to mitigate untimely failures that will severely impact service delivery and emergency expenditures. The Energy Plaza has experienced failures of the obsolete control components. Attempts by third-party vendors have been unsuccessful in making repairs.

The PCA Chillers housed at the Energy Plaza provide comfort-cooling and heating to the jet bridges and aircraft at Terminal A, C and D. The controls system is the brain of the chillers and has components that have become obsolete and no longer supported by the manufacturer.

Stipulations regarding construction scheduling and construction phasing have been considered and addressed (see Project Dependencies and Operational Impacts).

ETAM Staff will reach out to local vendors to determine if there is an interest in purchasing the obsolete control components and other salvageable or recyclable parts.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The Energy Plaza provides the heating and cooling to the facilities in the Central Terminal Area. Original construction commenced in 1971 and was last renovated during the 2005 CDP. The intent is to extend and sustain the operational life of the equipment. This will be accomplished through the replacement of the 480V Switchgear and Protective Relays and the Sodium Hypochlorite Generation System.

A total of (39) 480V Siemens Breakers and (30) Siemens Protective Relays have reached the end of their operational life and require complete replacement. In addition, the manufacturer longer supports these relays and the software used for interfacing with them runs is no longer supported.

Replacement of the existing Sodium Hypochlorite Generation System will focus obsolescent and degraded system components to align with future energy plant demands.

Stipulations regarding construction scheduling and construction phasing have been considered and addressed (see Project Dependencies and Operational Impacts).

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

The project will replace all existing Terminal D parking garage lighting with new LED fixtures. The original lighting fixtures were installed in 2004. There are 7,347 existing light fixtures and the majority of which are Metal Halide (MH). It is a one for one replacement of each fixture with new LED technology, including energy saving controls which will reduce energy use by approximately 77%. (8,388,000 kWh/year) New LED technology provides white light that appears brighter and provides better color recognition.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This Program expands, enhances and replaces major portions of the Automated Access Control System (AACS) for the Airport’s passenger terminals, remote facilities on and around the Airport campus, and the Air Operations Area (AOA). This includes the field panels, card readers, biometric devices, two way communications, door hardware, wiring and conduits, high securityt programmable smart keys, CCTV upgrades, emergency vehicle management system at AOA gates, and other related subsystems. This project will be responsible for the professional design and construction services.

Delivery method
Design Build (DB)
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Project Description

This is the third phase for to remediate the failing soil slopes as “Soil Slopes Remediation Phase 3. This project is to remediate those soil slope failures encountered after Phases 2 were completed and slopes that were deferred from Phase 2. These slopes are newly developed or have expanded from the previous slopes of Phase 1 and 2. There are three slopes on the airside and nine slopes on the landside that have failed from heavy rains, ponding, steep embankments, and a lack of support.

All slopes and roadway work to be engineered design based upon TxDOT standard practices.

This project will remediate the soil slope located at the south side of the Founders Plaza public viewing area between the parking lot/picnic area and the AOA perimeter security fence. The project was necessitated because of risk of an injury may occur. A subsequent professional engineering evaluation (EE) was performed by Alliance Geotechnical Group (AGG) dated September 19, 2023, supports that the slope is on the verge of failure. The AGG EE reveals the entire slope has shifted creating lines of open fissures and instability known as desiccation cracks. Some of desiccation cracks measures several inches in width and can be as deep as several feet. They can be result in injury to an unbeknownst pedestrian or pet walking along the slope enjoying the view of the airfield. This project proposes: removing and reconstructing approximately 38,000 SF of slope in accordance with standard practices of geotechnical engineering and replacing the existing irrigation system. It is anticipated that Founders Plaza will be closed to the public for 3 months while the remediation work is being performed.

This project submittal seeks approval to replace guardrail and attenuators within the Central Terminal Area, International Parkway and Services Roads that are damaged or non-conformant to the latest safety standards. 190 of the 261 Guardrails assessed have been identified that they do not meet current standards set by TxDOT. 6 attenuators have also been identified in need of replacement due to condition.

*The RDS-218 and RDS-225 projects description was combined with RDS-186-C*

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project consists of the renovation of Terminal C parking Garage "A" and associated Roadways/Utilities.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project consists of the renovation of Terminal C parking Garage "B" and associated Roadways/Utilities.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project consists of the renovation of Terminal C parking Garage "B" and associated Roadways/Utilities.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project consists of the renovation of Terminal C parking Garage "B" and associated Roadways/Utilities.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project consists of the renovation of Terminal C parking Garage "B" and associated Roadways/Utilities.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project includes the complete replacement of 1W Lift Station (Facility #43491) located near the intersection of North Employee Rd and South Service Rd as shown on Exhibit 1. In addition to replacement of the sanitary sewer facility, the project proposes a new location for the lift station.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project includes the demolition, removal, and replacement of 8 elevators and 4 escalators. One of these elevators was installed in 1973. All the others were installed in 1999. Seven of the elevators and four of the escalators to be replaced are in the Terminal B. One elevator is in Terminal E. The remaining one elevator is in Central Utility Plant (CUP). These elevators and escalators have heavy usage and are well past their end-of-life which is exacerbated by frequent breakdown, wear and tear and obsolescence issues.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project includes the demolition, removal, and replacement of all 20 Skylink traction elevators within the same footprint (Hoistway). These elevators were installed in 2003 and 2004 and were commissioned for public service along with the Automatic People Mover train system also known as the Skylink. These elevators have heavy usage and are at the end of life situation which is exacerbated by frequent breakdown, wear and tear and obsolescence issues.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project is a TSA mandated program that involves the replacement of CTX 9000/9400 Explosive Detection System (EDS) units due to their technological obsolescence. The EDS machines will be replaced with CTX 9800 units in the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) areas in Terminal D. There are 4 CSIBs and 16 EDS machines requiring replacement. Terminal D will also include limited optimization of the baggage handling system in each CBIS. The recapitalization portion of work will be reimbursed by the TSA and the optimization to be funded by DFW.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
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Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_06F245E1_B575_74D2_41CF_C6BC289CABD2.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2FDC24CC_B537_54F9_41D9_ECB664A00E76.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_22D18FF2_AB3C_6895_41E1_39273A634912.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_F9C24F96_B81C_5D12_41D0_A9CA8BAED28C.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_3DC2C2FC_B5F3_4C90_41CD_3E4F7153B903.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_F81C7497_B8E4_6312_41E1_5F99DB89AB92.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A77F9B7C_C117_FCCA_41A9_62338F2D8ECE.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_0D3C9251_B55F_4FFF_41E6_2F30D4B9C542.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_37B026FD_B532_F497_41A4_099572BC8DAA.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_E44B7980_B555_5D79_41D6_8090AF65023E.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_2B3CA48C_B52D_4B7D_41D5_ADF75DC04D25.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_9AC54A21_C0DA_9BA2_41B4_E71A18C08E26.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_FE5DD6D0_B52D_749C_41C9_87F6C5737432.html =
Project Description

This project is to replace the entire Retaining Wall “3NW18” (Wall) that supports the South Service Road east of Terminal D. This wall was built in 1978 as part of the Terminal 3W construction and is 153 feet in length with its height varying between 15 to 18 feet. It is a precast concrete wall with its foundations founded on soil. A conditional and visual assessment was performed by Consor Engineers (Consor) and its geotechnical engineering subconsultant Foresight Planning and Engineering Services (Foresight) in November 2022. The overall assessment has concluded that the retaining wall has failed because of the movement known as “creep” lasting years.

This project is to: demolish and reconstruct the retaining wall; remove the soil shoulder; rehabilitate a portion of the South Service Road; and to improve roadway surface drainage.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_3DCD32FA_B5F3_4C90_41CF_F7AD1D2871DF.html =
Project Description

This project replaces four underground grease waste interceptors housed in Terminal D Primary Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations. These specific grease waste traps or interceptors are GT-2, GT-3, GT-4, and GT-5. They have damaged internal baffles and compromised pipes.
The project also replaces the underground sanitary sewer effluent pipe to the primary lift stations and rehabilitates the heat trace system for exposed pipes.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_37B71112_B5D2_CD6D_41C3_89017DE8C81F.html =
Project Description

This project will rehabilitate existing DeltaV Distributed Control System and Control Room with a focus on modernization of layout to include at a minimum; new technology, ergonomics, energy efficiency, and safety and operator functionality to align with future energy plant demands.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_A4E36361_C175_CCFB_41E6_FE8762212ACE.html =
Project Description

This project will remove the old roofing material on the main part of Terminal A, and replace it with a new Modified Bitumen style roof. It will also install a green roof system over the Sky Bridges & Terminal Entry's.
The project will include cleaning and sealing the landside existing metal roof panels; and replacement of the old existing skylights.

Delivery method

Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_E7F31985_9C81_EC5B_41C5_C38AC336A788.html =
Project Description

This project will replace the entire flat roof system at Terminal D, including the North, South & Hyatt land side pedestrian bridges and the C-D Connector. This project will remove the existing roof systems of Terminal-D. Install two (2) layer of 2.3” (R-25: minimum total R-Value) poly-iso insulation set in insulation adhesive. Install one (1) layer of ½” dens deck set in insulation adhesive. Install one (1) layer of Siplast inter-ply set in cold process Low LVOC adhesive. Install one (1) layer of Siplast Eco-Active Depolluting Roof Membrane set in cold process Low LVOC to include Parapro 123 flashing membrane as per the manufactures requirements. 2015 International Energy Conservation Code requires an R-Value of R-25.

Delivery method
Design Bid Build (DBB)
HTMLText_5553CE3B_33EA_5ED2_41B8_D8267EB61A30.html =

Construction NTP: April 2024

Substancial Completition Phase 1A: November 2026

Substancial Completition Pier: March 2026

Contractor Closeout: March 2027

HTMLText_598DE31D_7875_DDB7_41A8_2AF4E33CB9B3.html =

Construction NTP: April 2024

Substancial Completition: January 2025

Contractor Closeout: April 2025

HTMLText_2216A466_AB2C_7FBA_41D3_563E00C58E36.html =

Construction NTP: April 2025

Substancial Completition: April 2026

Contractor Closeout: May 2026

HTMLText_997415A8_82E2_8BF8_41DB_528F3DE5A2D2.html =

Construction NTP: April 2025

Substancial Completition: February 2026

Contractor Closeout: April 2026

HTMLText_BFBD61F6_9B83_DF90_4194_2C90E001002C.html =

Construction NTP: April 2026

Substancial Completition: August 2026

Contractor Closeout: October 2026

HTMLText_0695F0F0_B556_CCB8_41D9_286503483CE5.html =

Construction NTP: August 2024

Substancial Completition: October 2026

Contractor Closeout: January 2027

HTMLText_0CCD7275_B55F_4FA7_41DA_F84D35313717.html =

Construction NTP: August 2025

Substancial Completition: December 2025

Contractor Closeout: February 2026

HTMLText_BF7DA796_9B81_2390_41DB_C4F1256CE99A.html =

Construction NTP: August 2026

Substancial Completition: December 2026

Contractor Closeout: February 2027

HTMLText_3EFD9F18_A099_7371_41A7_A5C3CC11D27C.html =

Construction NTP: August 2028

Substancial Completition: December 2029

Contractor Closeout: March 2030

HTMLText_2C2DBA6B_AB1B_AB8A_41BA_279EA00FA0C7.html =

Construction NTP: August 2028

Substancial Completition: December 2029

Contractor Closeout: March 2030

HTMLText_E0593025_9C83_7C58_41D2_48BA85E6F383.html =

Construction NTP: August 2028

Substancial Completition: December 2029

Contractor Closeout: March 2030

HTMLText_220B4445_AB2C_7FFE_41C0_184E12A86EB8.html =

Construction NTP: August 2028

Substancial Completition: December 2029

Contractor Closeout: March 2030

HTMLText_085A4DF6_A09B_56B1_41BC_EBD1C4BA9759.html =

Construction NTP: December 2024

Substancial Completition: December 2025

Contractor Closeout: April 2026

HTMLText_B8CF4589_9B82_E471_41AC_FF9105F3B57C.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: August 2026

Contractor Closeout: December 2026

HTMLText_F75A6C16_83AC_5F37_41D6_C2CD21DE3B1C.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: August 2026

Contractor Closeout: November 2026

HTMLText_06E7E60B_B575_7756_41DD_71BFD2FF2CAD.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: August 2026

Contractor Closeout: November 2026

HTMLText_A762DBE8_C117_F3CA_41E3_6D87C92B2D72.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: August 2029

Contractor Closeout: August 2029

HTMLText_08C4FEAB_83EC_3B1F_41DC_EB3FCFD36B6F.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: July 2026

Contractor Closeout: August 2026

HTMLText_F808B4A1_B8E4_632E_41E0_ABBFAA5F04EB.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_FE54C6D8_B52D_748D_41E2_74D562037501.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_06FDA5E4_B575_74D2_41DE_9ADA1B72CCA3.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_37BF9701_B532_F56F_41C1_9EE33FD56D60.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_F9FEFF99_B81C_5D1E_41E6_62BBEE973C79.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_E4480984_B555_5D79_41E4_ED9BAD949393.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_A7733B84_C117_FC3A_41E5_D9E1690F2959.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_37860119_B5D2_CD9F_41D5_200B1B2532F8.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_0D39B25C_B55F_4FE5_41E4_658A5E90B132.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_2FD354D3_B537_54EF_41D2_5E661574073C.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_2B3BA48F_B52D_4B7B_41E3_2182B738A6B6.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_9AFC5A2B_C0DA_9BA6_41E0_C6860FA31930.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_FA8C1AF6_B827_A715_41AA_4AE4222C1438.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_3DF99300_B5F3_4D70_41DB_5276D9DF8DFB.html =

Construction NTP: December 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

HTMLText_EF92BD2F_8264_7914_41D3_BAFF12954BDE.html =

Construction NTP: December 2027

Substancial Completition: November 2028

Contractor Closeout: February 2029

HTMLText_49D1854C_7D9E_30B3_41C8_5C06478896FC.html =

Construction NTP: February 2020

Substancial Completition: September 2024

Contractor Closeout: January 2025

HTMLText_E0B72C56_9C83_24F9_41D1_30D8EA6A6786.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_4E9AE31B_7C66_F0D5_41DD_15551977FB26.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_A46AEDA5_9B81_67AF_41C4_F3A93236036A.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_3795914B_B5D2_CDF3_41DE_ABC1CDE7FA7D.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_BF6B47C9_9B81_23F0_41E3_1481F967F72E.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_06EBC61E_B575_776E_41E2_9430047EFFA3.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_B8C9D598_9B82_E79F_41CE_4DE54D81A280.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_2C21FA89_AB1B_AB76_41D4_81ECE886A7C0.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_3DFFD308_B5F3_4D7F_41D8_B0F2DDAD75F8.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_43914477_7DAE_315D_41C7_EC82FAAD4A22.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_06E7C602_B575_7756_41D2_79F08A84689F.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_FEAFB781_B52D_757D_41D8_7730DC86FAD1.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_B8F005A4_9B82_E7B7_41D4_821E54279B4F.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_22146454_AB2C_7F9E_41B5_7AF667E54A1E.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_06E575EB_B575_74D6_41D5_3E0E69FF297E.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_BA8623C2_9B83_E3F0_41DA_68089DBC0E2C.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_3DEA9316_B5F3_4D93_41D4_1C55F2E82953.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_E041A03B_9C83_7CAF_41DF_2195CA528493.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_E7D959B3_9C81_EFBF_41D6_00E155B395AF.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_6340ADF7_C29D_49F7_41D6_90F07623710A.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_37A00708_B532_F57D_41E4_C417DA5B677E.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_BE897DB3_9B81_2790_41D8_24FF8626CA78.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_3799B12E_B5D2_CDB5_41D2_ED4F47AFB767.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_FE418723_B52D_75BD_41DA_BE4CF555F83A.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_0691F62A_B575_7756_41C5_EC74B9A99C23.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_F069C92E_9C87_2CA5_41E2_0BFCFD43425B.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_BF7547A8_9B81_23B0_41B6_B78098732939.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_37EDA157_B5D2_CD93_41E5_4D208F7322BC.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_A1AFBEB7_9B82_E5A9_41CE_28891CE1497F.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_B4138B36_9B81_6C90_41DC_391DE672CF0D.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_F067F93B_9C87_2CA3_41E1_B1EECEF8936A.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_A7369D9A_82E6_9BDA_41C3_95917D423F4E.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_EAF08269_829C_6B1E_41B9_F770CAB5E88A.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_BAAD99B5_9B81_2F91_41E2_14628FAA16B7.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_B4160B42_9B81_6CF0_41DD_E76C4CC998C4.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_A6B7B546_9B83_64ED_41D8_199A25778A11.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

HTMLText_BF9882DB_9B83_3D91_41CC_920BEEFC1B3C.html =

Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: February 2022

Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: May 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: November 2026

Contractor Closeout: January 2027

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Substancial Completition: April 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Substancial Completition: May 2025

Contractor Closeout: July 2025

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Substancial Completition: October 2026

Contractor Closeout: December 2026

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Substancial Completition: October 2026

Contractor Closeout: January 2027

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Substancial Completition: October 2026

Contractor Closeout: October 2026

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Substancial Completition: November 2024

Contractor Closeout: March 2025

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Construction NTP: January 2024

Substancial Completition: June 2025

Contractor Closeout: August 2025

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Substancial Completition: July 2027

Contractor Closeout: September 2027

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Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Substancial Completition: September 2025

Contractor Closeout: November 2025

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Substancial Completition: January 2028

Contractor Closeout: April 2028

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Contractor Closeout: December 2026

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Substancial Completition: September 2024

Contractor Closeout: April 2025

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Contractor Closeout: April 2028

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Contractor Closeout: December 2024

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Contractor Closeout: August 2026

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Substancial Completition: February 2026

Contractor Closeout: May 2026

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Contractor Closeout: July 2028

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Substancial Completition: July 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

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Construction NTP: June 2022

Substancial Completition: October 2024

Contractor Closeout: December 2024

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Substancial Completition: December 2025

Contractor Closeout: February 2026

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Contractor Closeout: January 2027

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Contractor Closeout: May 2027

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Contractor Closeout: September 2026

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Contractor Closeout: December 2024

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Contractor Closeout: September 2027

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Contractor Closeout: August 2028

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Contractor Closeout: June 2026

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Substancial Completition: November 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: October 2025

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Contractor Closeout: December 2024

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Contractor Closeout: January 2027

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Contractor Closeout: July 2026

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Contractor Closeout: July 2028

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Contractor Closeout: December 2027

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Contractor Closeout: N/A

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Contractor Closeout: October 2026

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Construction NTP: November 2022

Substancial Completition: September 2024

Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Substancial Completition: June 2025

Contractor Closeout: October 2025

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Construction NTP: November 2024

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Contractor Closeout: January 2026

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Construction NTP: November 2026

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Contractor Closeout: June 2028

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Substancial Completition: September 2031

Contractor Closeout: February 2032

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Construction NTP: October 2021

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Contractor Closeout: November 2024

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Construction NTP: October 2022

Substancial Completition: June 2025

Contractor Closeout: August 2025

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Substancial Completition: November 2024

Contractor Closeout: January 2025

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Construction NTP: October 2023

Substancial Completition: March 2026

Contractor Closeout: July 2026

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Construction NTP: October 2024

Substancial Completition: April 2025

Contractor Closeout: June 2025

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Construction NTP: October 2024

Substancial Completition: October 2024

Contractor Closeout: July 2025

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Construction NTP: October 2025

Substancial Completition: April 2027

Contractor Closeout: June 2027

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Construction NTP: October 2025

Substancial Completition: February 2027

Contractor Closeout: September 2027

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Construction NTP: October 2025

Substancial Completition: July 2026

Contractor Closeout: September 2026

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Construction NTP: September 2022

Substancial Completition: August 2026

Contractor Closeout: October 2026

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

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Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: March 2025

Contractor Closeout: May 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: May 2025

Contractor Closeout: June 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: November 2024

Contractor Closeout: January 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2024

Substancial Completition: November 2027

Contractor Closeout: January 2028

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Construction NTP: September 2025

Substancial Completition: December 2026

Contractor Closeout: February 2027

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Construction NTP: September 2025

Substancial Completition: September 2025

Contractor Closeout: November 2025

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Construction NTP: September 2026

Substancial Completition: March 2028

Contractor Closeout: May 2028

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Construction NTP: April 2025

Substancial Completition: May 2026

Contractor Closeout: August 2026

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Construction NTP: August 2024

Substancial Completition: May 2027

Contractor Closeout: August 2027

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Construction NTP: December 2028

Substancial Completition: October 2029

Contractor Closeout: January 2030

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Construction NTP: February 2025

Substancial Completition: April 2026

Contractor Closeout: July 2026

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Construction NTP: March 2025

Substancial Completition: June 2027

Contractor Closeout: April 2027

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Construction NTP: March 2025

Substancial Completition: June 2026

Contractor Closeout: September 2026

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Construction NTP: March 2025

Substancial Completition: November 2026

Contractor Closeout: March 2027

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Construction NTP: May 2026

Substancial Completition: September 2027

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Construction NTP: October 2024

Substancial Completition: June 2026

Contractor Closeout: October 2026

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Construction NTP: September 2025

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Contractor Closeout: September 2027

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Construction NTP: December 2025

Substanceal Completition : December 2026

Schedule Contractor Closeout: March 2027
## Tour ### Description tour.description = DFW ### Title tour.name = DFW Dynamic Model